new empty weight is 18,830kg btw. That’s 430kg more than before
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
I have no idea where they got this from, when I tried to find information about the empty weight of the su30sm, at first I found a few places saying 17,700kg, then I saw a lot more sites saying 18,400kg, now gaijin put 18,830kg and that’s new to me
they also reduced fuel amount from 9600kg → 9400kg. Not that it really matters, because you really shouldn’t take full fuel anyways
Su-30SM engines’s afterburner thrust is 11040 kgf while su-33 is 12080, i think that explains the difference in the performance, although the weight is still kinda controversial
are yefim gordon and hugh harkins reliable secondary sources?
The new TWR with 50% fuel and 15% loss now is 0.902
seem like gaijin really hate soviet tech, they nerf the su30sm before the 3d model got fix
To be fair it (nerfing) is easier than fixing model issues. All you need to do is to tweak few numbers instead of paying whoever they contracting for 3D models and waiting until its done
To be honest, i don’t think there’s something wrong with it… The lack of good engine is what makes it sluggish, but what makes it a good fighter is its bvr performance. Maneuverability issues will be fixed with the SM2 which gets improved engines.
Pretty much the mig29smt of Sukhoi family, although not as bad.
yeah hope it’s gonna be ok on live server
Still overshadowed by F-15E and EF2000 tbh. But yeah, at least now EASTFOR (Russia and China) got somewhat decent BVR slingers in the form of Su-30SM and J-11B (if it radar is the same as J-10A (which it should, although bigger) it would be quite good at BVR thanks to PL-12 performance)
the problem is that we keep saying this since the mig29 nerf and f16 buff
“it will get better with the next mig - it didnt”
“su27s will get better with the next su27 - it didnt” (not against the top dogs at the time and not now too)
now “su30sm will get better with the sm2” yeah…about that…
i’m not sure about you guys opinions, but i’m definitely kind of tired of having bad FMs to compete against everyone else ufos/good flight models
BVR with a worse missile against notching targets and not being able to reach ideal range and altitude as fast as F-15E or EFT. But yeah, anything is better than N001 at this point
Most of the variants we got didn’t improve much from the older airframe tho, they just dump more stuff into the plane without improving its aerodynamics… SMT is essentially just a heavier 9.13 and the su27sm compensates the weight increase of og su-27 with better engines, leaving it at the same place.
In the case of the su-30sm i don’t think it’ll even match the original sukhois in terms of performance, but the sm2 should at least be better than the su-33.
Well that’s another story, yeah, there are a lot of overperforming jets
Su-27 and 30 are going to suffer because of their kinematics. Time to climb is a massive factor.
That is an issue with the game design. Having every aircraft take off fly a small distance and then release missiles.
At that point the Typhoon is faster and likely higher.
As much as it may suck you are just going to have to accept that unless the game mode changes you will always be in this position.
The only way to resolve this is remove the airfields completely. Make players take enough fuel.
Everyone spawns in the air at 30k ft.
Yes the Typhoon and F-15 may be faster but not by the huge amount when we finally come to BVR the kinematics between the 2 airframes would be closer.
Su-30SM empty weight 19300-19400
TVC on TR 40 deg/sec
Max thrust AB over power 13100kgf(Excluding losses)
and that is the problem, why we keep getting the “worst” variants? we should have got the mig29m, hell, we should have got first the mig 9.12 like germany did since it is lighter than the 9.13
yeah but it took almost year to gaijin to fix the fm that was based on the wrong airframe (t-10 prototype) and to get the new engines + double pylons
the rafale when added wasnt the first variant, it is a 2019 plane
the ef isnt the first variant either
it would be fair to get the su30sm2 imo, get rid of the double r77 pylons and thats enough with the new (lighter) radar and the AL-41 engines
i agree with the rest of your post but not this part, is not only about going faster but also having great fms if you need to defend yourself or in the worst case, dogfight
Not really the payload of 8 MICAS is an Indian option the Fraench F.4 is more advanced.
my argument wasn’t necessarily about the 8 micas… it’s still not the “early” variant of the Rafale like the su30sm1 is