As i know IRL early Su-27SM also used AL-31F, which is same by thrust
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
What is the empty weight of the Su-30SM right now?
18.4t according to the datamine
Seems to be accurate then
Su-30MKI is also 18.4 tons empty
@ron_2303 did a bug report about the 3D inaccuracies of the su30sm, might be good idea to also include this (the wrong tail and flaperons)
Literally spend zero effort in modeling lol
It, honestly, so weird that 30SM having this modeling issues while same Su-33, for isntance, have IIRC correctly modeled area around it canards and wings
(and a screenshot by BBCRF of Su-30SM on dev for comparison)
Poor QC/QA.
added it to the bug report
so, i was looking at the current bug reports from the dev server and i found some relevant for the su30sm:
Inaccurate J-11B and Su-30SM afterburner:
SU-30SM HUD Inaccuracy(accepted):
Su-30SM wrong dispensers model:
Su-30SM wrong pilot model:
Su-30SM missing manual thrust vector control toggle switch:
Su-30SM incorrect crew ejection procedure:
Su-30SM Thrust Vector Control mode incorrect(accepted but still):
Su-30SM IFR Training Bar blocks visibility:
N011M Bars Datalink Channels:
Su-30 Radar detects and locks onto chaff:
and ofc the report made by @ron_2303
Su-30SM 3D model inaccuracies:
there were other bug reports, but they were less elaborate and others that were accepted, but I didn’t include them either because i didn’t think it was necessary, lol
How gaijin can even justify this… AIM-7P vs R-77-1. (R77-1 are bleeding speed unrealistically and need to be fixed in DEV) : r/Warthunder
Almost like 1 person actually conducted evasive maneuvers to bleed the missile of energy, while the other flew straight into it like an idiot… strange…
to be fair, the su30sm shot the r77-1 from 30km away and it was flying very low compared to the f18 at 4000m of alt… it makes sense that the r77-1 couldn’t hit this, it wasted all its energy going up + turning
Multipath just ate all of his braincells.