Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

D: it isnt at the top and bottom of the plane…the rwr goes blind

and it’s not supposed to work as a sphere

so, russian planes dont get this kinda of coverage for their rwr?

Most likely someone drew data from the ceiling on a 360 degree sphere
Either RAFALE has antennas on the top and bottom of the hull

It is Eurofighter

Are you saying Harrier’s aren’t in-game?

Even then, they don’t share thrust vectoring technologies. They are in no way comparable.

Is there a better source?

Better source then official website? I think no.

What are you even talking about.
The Harriers are in game but the VIFF vectoring in forward flight that the Harriers can do IRL has 0 effect on pitch rate in game like it does IRL.

It does??

Legit IRL yes it was the first plane to do it.
It can also vector its thrust forward and apply a breaking force of 3G while adding a few G to the “lift” of the aircraft.

There is a reason its air combat analysis got a SECRET classification in the US government. That’s the second highest restriction the USA can give a report/document.

a bit offtopic, does anybody know anything about planned br changes coming with the update?

Took a few more

(quite funny how from a certain distance the pilots texture turns into ww2 style pilots xD)


Gaijin are working hard at the bleeding edge of research to come up with a number that is greater than 14.0. Pouring their hearts and souls into this noble endeavor for the benefit of human kind, day in and day out, their best erudites are tirelessly studying this uncharted field to advance our understanding of it. If you happen to have a lead, a clue, or anything that could aid their efforts in discovering this mysterious number that has been eluding us for generations, please relay it to them, the world would thank you.


To do… What?

Lift isn’t defined by G forces, not is any sort of method used to lower airspeed relevant.

The US only has 3 classification codes. “Secret” also holds based information on how to use an eyewash station, so I’m not sure how you find that interesting in any sort of way.

that i doubt

Do you realize how hard it is to comprehend a number above 14? gaijin is clearly unable to do that

I don’t blame 'em, not an easy thing for mere mortals to do.

You gotta give them credit, I can’t count above 8

I’m stuck at 4. Writing down that max BR number took some serious mental effort on my part, had to consult multiple source to make sure I did not mess up.

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