Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Neither has the KH-38 series but here we are, gaijin cares less abiut accuracy and more about appeasing russian GRB players

Well, shit, still capped at 30 km. No changes to detection strengths in the files either. Thank you for the pic.

How did you get on the dev, btw? It is giving me an error.

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You’d rather if it get the historically accurate Kh-59M with much bigger range?

Standardly I joined like to normal server. But I must restart launcher once because server jammed.

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Or simply keep the already great KH-29T/TD/TE models and avoid the obnoxious KH-38 spam

Fair enough.

For what i have read so far. Su-30sm its a brick!!. It also lose Ruder control when you activate the FCS shit. So you can’t perform falling leaf.

russian falcon 9 landing : r/Warthunder

sure we will have fun on the test drive.

To be expected, it is 2 tons heavier while having basically the same thrust as the Su-27S

From what I see on test drive its everything only not brick.

Well, you can whip your nose around all you want in that thing, but energy wise it is not good.


Yep. You must keep sight on speed to not fall but it turn instantly at all speeds.

But that its with FCS off. The thing right now its 2 tons heavy than Su-27sm. And fly worst than Su-33.

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Yeah it have problem with energy retention but it doesnt mean that its brick, when the plane spins literally in place at every speed.

Right now the J-11b look like it will be the Best Flanker in game. It got WS10a engine. That produce about the power as 117s. And weight about the same as Su-27sm… The engine stat hasn’t being update on StatShark/game.

Does anyone have docs regarding Su-30 NCTR? I already found info that it can do it only in STT. As i remember(readed earlier) it should be only able to justify type(fighter, bomber, cargo, etc)

And its absolutely stable in every speed what is very good for simulator.

I was anxiously waiting for a backflip at the end :(

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Not perfect backflip but I tried my best :D


lmao, 100% worth it, i will enjoy doing dumb stuff with this plane lol

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