Yeah there are definitely better choices don’t get me wrong :D
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
what about this then? su37 (similar enough airframe compared to the su30sm with also tvc)
also, look how smooth it was to recover from that 360
Really any video of TVC will highlight how unfinished it is. I chose that GIF because it was a similar movement in the beginning.
It’s also worth noting that is flown by Sukhoi Jesus. I doubt every Su-35 driver can make their airframe perform like that.
Very impressive though
well this made me laugh for some reason lol
Su-30SM2 uses both N035 and AL-41F-1S.
There is no dedicated upgrade to the N011M.
Different game, but its interesting to note the pilot is trying their best to replicate real life maneuvers done by various flankers. Even so, it is only a mod. But interesting to see what we could end up with once Gaijin fully tunes the flight model well.
oh, maybe we are finally getting the r-77-1
(i didnt post the full leak list cause it includes boats, tanks, i just screenshoted the important part for the su30sm)
Would it be feasible for Gaijin to do updated engines through one of the module unlocks?
Let’s see how it compares to the r-77, they may remove it after the devserver like they did with the r73 and grom-1
The R-73 on its first dev server was over tuned sure. But what was wrong with the Grom? Also isnt the grom currently already on the SU-34?
a while ago gaijin said that the r77-1 isn’t much better than the current r77, no idea if this is right or not but maybe we can get something worth shooting from more than 13/15km
There’s only the grom-2 which frankly doesn’t differ much from the grom-1 if you use the map to set your laser target, but they removed it because they feared it would break the grinding system and cuz some ppl were complaining other countries wouldn’t get a similar weapon.
It’s a 70km stand off weapon and it would have allowed a single Su-34 to destroy multiple bases.
In ground battles it wouldn’t have changed anything
gaijin likely didn’t want grom-1 making bombing in sim uber safe
Yeah the grom 1 was removed because you could launch all of them off the runway and kill a base like that, basically making base bombing worse since it didn’t involve flying much past your runway
I feel like T220 is a big deal. Finally a targeting pod for the flankers
They did it with UMPK and GROM-2…
Maybe that was an “keeping thing”. Like to keep KH-38MT(never carried IRL), but remove GROM-1