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Do you know if somebody make any bug report or any kind of list with all incorrect weapons on Su-30SM?
No lol.
I thought they where getting it as well. MB they should. Every plane that can Vector thrust should get that feature.
Will they open devserver today?
Most likely
There’s exactly one “Thrust vectoring” MiG out there and it 29OVT. We dont have OVT, not to mention is experimental nature
Yes, keep an eye on the news category.
I am pretty sure all MIG 29s can Thrust vector IRL.
But isn’t that just the FCS? Should TVC always work?. Its the same in every TVC Flanker?.
man i don’t how to feel about that.
Not really Thrust vector. But something a kind to Split throttle. Mig35(?) also have a thing like vortex control in the LERX.
There is a photo of BARS in the same message or earlier…due to the lack of space or due to the design of the rotary device, rotation is possible only at an angle of 30 degrees in each direction…
1.Also, from this information, it can be concluded that there is a radar mode (only electronic scanning to which +5 degrees were added in each direction and a radar mode with a mechanical rotation in one (necessary) sideways and/or electronically-mechanically in each direction…
2. There is also some kind of upgraded version (optional), but the data is provided only for the operation mode for ground/surface targets…Marked as ***.
Only MiG-29OVT
With ±30 deg mechanical steering and ±45 deg electrical steering limits supposed to be ±75 deg but written as ±70
apparently there are already people panicking about the su30sm, lmao
“Some”. The RR thread in on fire (nothing new tbh, but nonetheless)