crazy, i dont understand this forum, everytime if russia gets something that will for sure compete in top tier, ppl go crazy, i just hope that gaijin dont mind the crying and keep the su30sm good
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
@unluckyg I suppose you are gonna download the dev ofc, If you wanna run some tests/duel lemme know xD
±30 mech, ±40 elec
Just a typo?
@BBCRF, for the Su-30SM, does the OVT work for all speed ranges or does it only work for low / medium speeds?
There’s already a thread on how they need an aim120C5 to compete
What characteristics have AIM-120C5? How good it is compared to R-77-1?
max 550 km/h ias
Yep, ±40 elec
Much more range
± same like R-77-1 or much more?
Much more, r-77-1 is comparable to aim120a and b in terms of range
Ah okay. Than they dont need it.
Nah they don’t, but then there’s the issue regarding the r-77 maneiverability which is far better than the aim120. Idk If they’ll keep the 77-1
There is nothing between AIM-120A/B and AIM-120C5 what they can get?
Dark_claws tests from last time, though the charts are a bit cramped.
Though the missile is subject to change anyway
Like there is no big difference between them if I read it correctly.
Thats pish…Russia get hand held in ground and have the best CAS Russia has always been competitive.
Pleyers complain for consistency and equality.
Like why can the Su-27SM use pylons it never had for R-77s? But Typhoon cant use the double 120 pylons that were again never used.
Why is Russia allowed a KH-38 when other nations have to make do with SAL guided missiles or shorter range AGMs.
Why has Gaijin added the Ka-50 when no other nation has a sam that can shoot it down…
Why is Russia the only nation with a Pantsir level Sam?
yea i wonder why. Let me Guess… One its the Best jet in the game ATM. and the other was being the worst for a whole year.
B- Balance