I MTL it. And only talk that the Su-35s will get an update. Maybe its a minor upgrade?. It said something about a “new thing” and modernization for existing Su-35s. But not what they will do. In red they talk about new Version of Su-57. And then they talk about T-75.
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Is this old information? It looks like it was written last year. I would like a source.
this is delusional
After a month-long break, it was like I was in a psychiatric hospital.
What do you think about the Su-35S? Can it be very fast-climbing like the Eurofighter?
I don’t disagree that the Su-27 could still perform it’s intended role, but from what they envisioned it, it was still lacking, if it weren’t the Su-27M wouldn’t have been developed.
Also, you say that Soviet doctrine was WVR centered, but also used the majority of their interceptions with GCI?
That isn’t really a coherent doctrine, because it wasn’t like this, the Soviets also wanted long range missiles on their fighters, the only real fighter meant for true WVR and dogfights was the MiG-29.
The Su-27 at the very beginning of it’s introduction already had R-27ERs, which IRL could hit targets at a distance of up to 100km, the Soviets knew that if they coupled these very good and advanced missiles, with powerful and advanced radars, it would’ve been a big leap forward, the problem was simply that there was not enough time to develop them before 1991.
@BBCRF worked on the flight model of the Su-30SM DCS mod, all you need to see is their reaction to how the War Thunder one flies when it is added to know if it is accurate.
Dude, I know)
Then idk, you could ask them on how to model TVC and actual fly-by-wire effectively.
Knowing Gaijin they’ll probably screw up the TVC implementation badly.
I have almost completed the CAD model, and will soon begin the CFD stage for more accurate modeling.
If only gaijin would do that
Su-27SM HMD activation boundary/gap too wide (cockpit)
@WaretaGarasu @InterFleet Can you take a look please?
What radar have Su 30MKK and MK2? Only N001?Or were there planes equipped with N010 zhuk?
So same shit the su27sm has?
I read, that late modification have zhuk ms
There was never Zhuk on the Flankers.