Disucssion was never who is better at BVR, which the Typhoon is because even with it’s crappy Radar it flies highr faster and has the best BVR missile.
SIM is a very different game though.
Disucssion was never who is better at BVR, which the Typhoon is because even with it’s crappy Radar it flies highr faster and has the best BVR missile.
SIM is a very different game though.
Su-27 as mentioned does not depend on it’s Radar as much
Most Su-27 kills are from 19km and below you can switch to HMD/ACM mode.
Typhoon needs it’s radar as it is more suited to BVR. German Typhoons dont have the IRST and the really cool switching from Radar or IR mode when you dont want it.
In a no Radar fight the Flanker is probably winning
No one is saying the Su-27 Radar is good
Simulator battles better reveal the capabilities of your aircraft and your ability to play on it.
What I’m saying is that the Eurofighter is a very good fighter even with a bad radar, but that radar is not as bad as the flanker’s radar.
HMD/ACM modes are very unreliable in the su27 , it needs a better radar more than the eft . i would pick the eft’s setup any day over the su27. i have a feeling that gaijin gimped its radar intentionally till the next patch where were get more competitive aircraft.
Ok so with no Radar the Su-27 still have R-27ET, R-77s
Typhoon has Aim9M…
No Su-27 Radar is bad because of Russian/Soviet doctrine the Radar was designed to find things the ground controller vectored them to.
CAPTOR-M was designed with air superiority and multi mission modes.
CAPTOR-M should be in a different league and the 2nd best Radar in game
You have MAW and a million countermeasures
Meant R-73
R-27ET can be challenge even with MAWs it is a fast dangerous missile.
Bad argument. To make a bad radar for a fighter jet for a huge amount of money because of military doctrine
Spinner-73? xDDD
I saw how a blind Rafale easily dodged my missile with MAW, and my missile flew into the engine(It missed).
The Eurofighter can do the same.
A bad argument because it’s true?
IRBIS and newer Radars are changing this, with the Aircraft able to see further than before.
I would take an R-73 over an Aim9M every day of the week and I doubt you would trade your R-73 for Aim9M on the Su-27?
Yes MAWS is a system and it works but it is not a catch all. I have been killed by IR missiles despite having a maws.
1:51 its sick. That pink/purple color.
PD acm on the su 27 is horrid. It’s way easier using ir acm then switching to pd. or, just use hms pd
If this is true, I want good evidence (Russian sources).
You make a very expensive fighter jet, but you decide to give it a terrible radar on purpose because of military doctrine.
I would just fix the TVC of the R-73
It makes sense. Maybe you didn’t turn off the afterburner, maybe the missile was launched too close.
The ET is only ever as good as the people on the wrong end of it is bad.
Sure if you don’t get the info that it’s fired there’s not much you can do, but there is a very non-zero number of people that will see a Su-27 locking them, fire something and instantly drop lock, and will still pursue flying straight at said Su-27 to try and get them in the NEZ.
Also the ET is greatly limited by it’s seeker, and the fact that it can be flared by mistake.
I do agree that it’s the best long range missile that you can equip on the Su-27, but when your best long range option is a Fox-2, it ain’t very funny.
R-27ET is a very situational missile
For dogfighting i have no doubts that the r73s are better, but How often we dogfight? It’s pretty rare, in current Air rb’s environment i think the 9m is more efficient, it can generally make better sneaky shots from above and side aspect, but that doesn’t mean the r73s are bad, far from that.
I know I’m not him but i personally love them both equally even though i consider the 9m a bit more efficient, If It was possible to mix the weaponry from multiple nations o wouldn’t pick 9m for the 27 just Because It would be super ugly lol, the same way i wouldn’t pick r73s for my f15C…
Agreed, however to me it is still a better long range option than the R-77 on account of being able to get there, and it’s a better long range option than the R-27ER because it’s autonomous.
No, the Su-27 radar isn’t bad because it was “meant to follow Soviet doctrine of GCI assistance”.
The Su-27 had a obsolete radar because the technology wasn’t advanced enough to fit a PESA radar like the MiG-31 had into the Su-27, because the Su-27 was gonna fill a similar role to the MiG-31, except more tactical and carrying more missiles, centering more towards fighters like F-15s.
Since the PESA radar in the radar nose of the MiG-31 was massive, the smaller size of the Su-27 nose, just like what happened to the MiG-29, caused them to use older technology, because the MiG-29 was supposed to get a slotted planar array radar, which also needed to be too big for the nose cone.
These things were going to be fixed with the MiG-29M 9.15 and Su-27M, which had the N010 Zhuk and N011 Bars respectively.
Su-27 was allowed to enter service with a good enough Radar. The Radar is good enough for Soviet needs. Soviet doctrine was at the time about close ranges hence the effort for super maneuverability.
HMDs and R-73 and EOT guided missiles.
Comparatively Western airframes and Radar technology and doctrine was about long range detection and less about super maneuverability.
Aim7 and later 120s were designed with the longest possible ranges and IR missiles really as a last resort. British doctrine of the time was to use the Tornados speed and Radar to engage with Skyflash make a few passes and RTB.
MiG 25/31 Radar has incredible range and power but it also generates an ungodly ammount of heat and needs huge power and a large airframe.
So yes the Su-27 was allowed to operate with a sub optimal Radar because Soviet doctrine would still allow it to perform it’s intended role.
New version of Su-35s coming in 2025.
Does it say what specific changes are being made? Upgrades or newer iterations of Sukhois are not “news” imo without substance.