Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

sadly don’t have the typhoon or anything similar to compare it to

It’s not an exageration the Typhoons Radar is really poor.
It’s useable in BVR using Narrow scope TWS but when you get to medium/short ranges and need to lock and react quickly it wont find that massive RCS directly infront of you :(

In ground battle it is better to just stay in the IRST mode and not alert anyone you are there only switching to Radar when you need to shoot a 120. I do think a correctly functioning Radar would push the Typhoons power to another level. It feels very much a game play decision right now.

I do not get the hate the 77 gets, they are really hard to deal with in that 8 mile window they pull great from the rail and suit the playstyle of the Su-27.

I would love a 120 that pulls that hard off the rail close in we have to use the 9M which is fine but not great for the kind of higher aspect shots

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This is true, but the flanker radar is even worse, since it does not have a normal TWS that tracks the target itself, and also cannot switch the viewing mode.

You can find a target in the wide radar view, then point the tracking strobe at the target and turn on the narrow view mode.

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You can and by that time in medium to short range you have already been fired on and have eaten a missile. TWS track in wide mode the updates are 2 to 3 buisness days apart.

Typhoon if you are focussing on a target you need to be in narrow scan or the TWS updates on your 120s are outdated.
I mentioned it earlier it blows my mind how many players even at top tier die to a 120 launched at 40km they only seem to react when their RWR alarms giving them a short window to react as this mach 2.5 120 slams into them.

Typhoon probably needs it’s Radar more than the Su-27 does as the Su-27 is actively aiming to get closer I used to fly the Gripen with the Radar off, stay low no Radar it’s amazing how few people detect you when you dont have constant Radar emissions. When in range switch it back on for close range Darter shots.

And even that is delayed, by few seconds

The Su-27 radar scans the target for about 10 seconds in TWS mode, so it loses targets even more than the Eurofighter. And flying with the radar off on a flanker is sometimes very unpleasant. But I think the Eurofighter is the best fighter for BVR even with such a bad radar.

F-15E is hands down the best BVR fighter, it’s the one thing it has going for it.

should we also point out at this point how unreliable bvr shots are? even a launch to hit ratio of 25% is hard to archive

The Eurofighter is better than the F-15E because it has very strong maneuverability at high altitudes to dodge missiles, and also has an infinite supply of countermeasures. The Eurofighter is a very fast climb fighter and it is not much worse in climb rate than the F-15E

Unlimited counter measures:
Very sad flanker noises

Apparently it gets even slightly worse with the su30sm

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Tbh i kinda prefer the f15e for bvr, euro radar is really bad for its br…


On paper absolutely the F-15s Radar and 8 BVR missiles with similar performance makes it better.
When/If the Typhoon gets the Radar fixed it will be on a similar level.

Typhoons Radar really is pure ass

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If you know how to use the Eurofighter radar, you will be much more powerful than the F-15E.

Very much the case, you are better to use the 120 in the long to medium range.

I feel anything over 20km is a wasted shot.

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But the flanker’s radar is much worse than the eurofighter’s radar. Now try playing sim battles on the flanker and you’ll feel its terrible radar.

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I easily got a K/D (22/2) in a sim battle where the F-15s lost to BVR every time because I had the radar narrow view on.

Weak fighter

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Sim is very different.

And? Eurofighter is still the best fighter for BVR.
Eurofighter radar is better than flanker’s stupid radar

i have both eft (german) & su27 and eft’s radar is much better. its not as bad as you say when compared with su27.