90 degrees AOA is insane.
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
There is far too much stability in both pitch and yaw. There are no symptoms of pitch-out departure whatsoever, no symptoms of unrecoverable spin whatsoever. It is possible to get it into a difficult to recover spin condition if you really force it there in the first place but nowhere near as difficult as the J-35 series used to for example.
The Su-27’s obviously have better nose-up authority than this in-game but the recovery is a lot slower and more painful.
For the case of the F-16 here I agree.
They use DL until the missile goes active and then it enters it’s active phase. The missile has used the information provided from the aircraft to calculate the intercept point. It goes active and the missiles Radar guides it to the probable point of interception
At that point it will not receive additional updates from the aircraft.
You can only realistically DL and provide mid course corrections to a 120 up until 18km after that point it’s Radar takes over.
I wonder what Gaijin will do with Su-30sm FM. Maybe they just copy Su-33 fm and call it a day.
I believe they’ll try to model TVC but it’ll be absolute shit, expect cartoon level spins with the su30
Apparently they can switch back to DL if they lose the target:
Developer’s response:
All missiles with datalink use inertial navigation (IOG) and datalink (DL) when they don’t track target: before target acquisition and after target lose.
The radar of launching airplane should maintain target track in TWS or STT mode all the time to provide datalink updates.
You know that the F-16 has an AOA limiter of 24 degrees?
You do realize that in manual the f16 can exceed that aoa limiter? While planes like the gripen for some reason have a hard limit of their air even on manual?
Maybe the newer planes like the rafale and the euro fighter
The ive one dogfight against the F16 a many times because the FM buff allows me to have a better rate
The F15A no longer beats the su27 on the first cercle now it’s forced to have a vertical fight against the su27 because the su27 now cuts inside it’s cercle without bleeding all of its energy
When it comes to fight a mirage and a j10 it will mainly come to how skilled you are
Overall the plane is nice and can compete pretty well
Even the basic su 27 if played correctly can be deadly against a eurofighter since the R27ER is still the best fox 1 in game and the only missile that has datalink reconnect which allows you to relock your target if he tries to notch
Yes the radar is abismal but it works well enough when you select the src hdn and tws hdn
Overall the plane is in a nice place rn
Plus I played the worst version of the su 27 which is the J11s
What really needs a buff is the MiG 29 rn
Fighting a Mirage shouldn’t be to hard of a fight as long as you keep some of your speed and energy against it.
Against a J-10 you have alot less room for Error but there are still ways to win.
For example a high speed two circle at over 900kph or a vertical fight against it.
You can also try to make the J-10 bleed its speed to turn in for you while you are trying to stay fast, this is a bit harder to do tho.
The EM-Charts are just so it is a bit easier to compare them and get a rough idea in what there are good in compared to each other.
How is the burner here like that? Is it a skin, post effects, low throttle?
DirectSupport, what to say
these are the main fighters that the su27sm fight, thats why i said that the su27 isnt good compared to them…of course the FM buff/fix helped the plane and now it’s better to fly, but that can’t make up for the fact that you’re fighting 4.5 gen planes
Yep, it’s low throttle
Do custom flames still work? I thought they no longer worked after new effects. Or is it that old ones don’t and there is a new method?
Got a link for this?
They still “work” what I mean by that is that the inner texture changes according to the mod you use, though the flame color or lenght is no longer editable.
Texture link: WT Live // Camouflage by Franch_Dressing