Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Afaik It still have less range than the first versions of the amraam, as of now, NATO countries are the ones enjoying the advantage you mentioned…

I know Very little about modern missiles (that’s why i always put “afaik” before saying something), but, afaik, in simple terms, they just have more range than their predecessor.

R-77 max operational range would be ~80km, R-77-1 can reach ~110km.

Now apparently there are 2 versions of aim120C, the c-5 and c-8, but idk the difference between the two, only that one of them can reach up to ~160km

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I got the Sm just a couple weeks ago and his videos are big help, I’m honeslty having a good time with it.

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I heard that there is also R-77 with combined rocket/ramjet engine with range 160 km.

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I have no info on that so i can’t confirm, maybe that’s the r-77m but it’s still in development.

it has the same thrust as su27sm’s engine 12500 kgf.

Not R-77M. I mean RVV-AE-PD:

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Friday please mate.

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if player level isnt a basis on how good a vehicle is, why do you keep using bad karma video to say that the su27 is good? also this is what i said:


it is in fact not the best at anything compared to the planes that it faces.

again, there is no point simply being good at flying against the air, you need to be good against your competitors and the su27 does not have a good flight performance against most of the planes it faces in the top tier, the radar is also one of the worst if not the worse, r77 is worse than mica on an inferior platform with an inferior radar compared to the rafale, I’m tired of trying to explain this to you, tis is like the last time you came here to say that the su27 beats the gripen and people tried to tell you that this is not true:

like…bruh D:


You know that these Egypt mock-up flights are just made up by yellow press and couldn’t even ever happen?


Let me guess he never fly su27 and only fly nato jet



yup he’s a british main. of course.

Yes flew Britain didnt see these tears when you were dominating Phantoms in the MiG 23…
Or clowining on Tornados in the MiG 29…
But now the Su-27 is marginally worse in some aspects than some NATO jets and you lose your minds.

How short your memories are…

Player skill is not a metric of a good vehicle if a bad player does well in a vehicle then that vehicle is likely overperforming.

Karma like Defyn is a great player. You can try to emulate the techniques they show or you can keep flying high trying to BVR F-15s die come back on the forums and whine.

Your call really

Man. i checked my stat on the Su-27sm and i couldn’t believe that i have like 40% win rate on that thing. Granted i don’t play the game regularly anymore so i suffer a lot every time i come to play and having to get use to the game again. But that thing was awful on released. With all the change now, its average at best. But for example i have like 70%+ win rate on the Grippen and i never fully spade it. With the Eurofighter and Rafale i have like 65%+ win rate. Dunno why people its even crying about the Eurofighter That thing fly like an ufo and is broken. I have played Su-27sm after the change and yea it feel a bit better. But still its not as braindead to play like Eurofighter or Rafale. Its almost imposible to even kill people at range.

Casual like me don’t compare with people that play the game everyday. Its really easy to perform really well when you play this game on a regular schedule. Even in bad frames.


It ONLY has one of the worst radar on 13.7-14.0 the worst one is on J-11A which has unupgrated N001 radar. Has the worst missile to fight in BVR, R-77 just suck even on mid range compare to other fox-3. RWR is below average, CM are limited only J-10A has less and maybe mirage 2000-5. FM for now is decent.

Su-27SM is worst in many aspects compare to NATO jets. The only big adventage is ability to carry 12 missiles.


lol yes, most of the time if you don’t carry your team you will end up losing while playing with the su27sm, it’s super annoying, one time a friend let me play with his account so I ended up playing a lot with the ef and the rafale, even the f15e i try it out for some matches, it was like I was playing on easy mode D:

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Try R-darter or derby
You might know what suck really look like

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su27sm gets the worst top tier radar , low CMs , mid FM , would be nice if they buff its low speed performance n nerf its high speed performance. r77 is worse than mica in every way , even at bvr mica has better performance , you can check this through stat shark , so rafale outclasses su27sm in every way , the only advantage of the su27 is that it gets 4 more r73s. i feel like su30sm will fix its issue it can also carry 10r77 (12 if they give it dual pylons) , would be funny if gaijin skips to su30sm2 and gives it al-41 engines then it would have a similar twr to su27sm and have tvc at the same time. i dont know if they will skip straight to ibris radar as it has ±120* azimuth coverage , which would make it op in game.


those are inert missiles, basically test weights