Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

They also shouldn’t be in the game.

Yak-141 is not that a problem as fictional aircraft compare to F-16AJ. I wouldn’t have any problem with Yak-141 if gaijin added it properly without IRST, R-60M etc

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And how would you play on a aircraft without countermeasures, RWR, radar, IRST, weapons?

If i remember correctly RWR, radar and missiles was installed on one of the prototypes.

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There are some pictures with some missile armament but idk if they are not maquettes (most probably they are).

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Many things on this fighter were tested to great extent but I don’t think many of them actually made it to flight trials. For example, there was a vastly uprated engine that had 500+ hours on the bench for this aircraft that never saw the light of day. This would improve performance somewhere in the ballpark of ~20% thrust in static conditions and more so in dynamic conditions compared to what is mounted in-game.

Gaijin denied my report to implement it with the production engine at the time.


Incorrect HPRF minimum range for Russian Radar (N001, N010, kopyo-21, kopyo-25 and every Russian Radar introduced after 1985):


You know, I’m genuinely curious; what reason does Gaijin even give for refusing to buff the flanker?

In this community we have done so much to prove that it is underperforming, but Gaijin always handwaves it away. Is there like some rogue bug report moderator that just wants the flanker to stay in a gimped state, because I just find it hard to believe that Gaijin would actively go out of their way to spin the narrative, despite multiple sources claiming otherwise. At this point there is a mountain of evidence against the aircraft’s FM being wrong…

At this rate, I bet if someone was ballsy enough to go ask Sukhoi themselves to give a statement regarding it to Gaijin, they would refute it saying that their modeling of the aircraft is more accurate than what the Sukhoi OKB themselves have access to… It’s getting borderline ridiculous at this point.

Has anyone tried contacting technical moderators on the forum, because I really think that this is starting to get childish at this point.


Possibly laziness but they did improve It after ppl discovered they were using T-10 documents to model it ingame, it’s a lot better now

I think gaijin dont love USSR anymore or the NATO main give them much money and they dont want to messing with them :))))


I think money are main reason. NATO mains give them more money. Thats reason why USA got first top tier premium jet (and then GB and Sweden).


Isn’t the bars the same Radar has the mig29smt just with more power and bigger antenna?

ps confused it with the N010 Zhuk radar instead of the N011 bars

Bars should be better than the one from the current su34

Only 45 degrees electronic steering to each direction (+25 degrees mechanical steering in azimuth, but that creates some limitations),15 tracks and 4 datalink channels is not that impressive though … Given what we already have in the game … (AESA Rafale and Typhoon FGR.4)

TBH they should just jump straight to Su-35 or Su-30SM2, and add the Su-30SM as a gap filler later on … (Probably not gonna happen)


I think it would be more reasonable to have su30sm with AL-41F1 and Bars radar, AL-31pu might be a bit weak


Nope. Even developed by different universities

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What I’m worried about is the missile… R-77 is kinda mid i hope they give it R-77-1


We tried to prove this to the developers for a long time.


The devs seem quite egocentrical tbh, it’s hard for them to admit that they’re wrong sometimes.


Typhoons Radar is very poorly modelled