I wouldn’t say replacement. AIM-260 and the current upgrade program will keep the F-22 going strong until NGAD is in full service. F-22 and F-15EX are complementary aircraft.
Yes, F-15EX likely has the most powerful, capable AESA radar ever fitted on a fighter, but its flight performance will generally be worse than Su-35S. I think an R-77M would be 120D-3 equivalent, not AIM-260 though
Why would the F-15EX’s radar be the most concerning issue here, shouldn’t it just be slinging payload for other sources of missile track data via the two-way datalinks on AIM-120D/AIM-260?
I don’t think so, NGAD hasn’t even been flown as far as public information (unless it was one of the UFOs that constantly flew over US) and at this rate, F-22s should be out of service within a decade, they have already started the program so yeah. F15EX does have worse flight performance but my issue is, with engagement ranges of 200km, does that really matter? I think in WT as of RN it does, since I have gotten one BVR kill so far, 2 actually, one with ARH, other with R27ER, but nevertheless, BVR will be a lot less manoeuvrability demanding.
I think sources suggest PLAAF are starting experiments with ultra long range missiles, stuff equivalent to R37. But that should be the direction future air engagements go.
USAF officer commented on NGAD prototype test flight in 2020, said it was “incredible”
Still years away from service though, so F-22 has some life in it still.
You are kind of right, but since Su-35S will have R37M to launch at F-15EX from very far away it will still compete in BVR
When I said jet-jet DL isn’t a thing I meant in game, NATO has had this capability for years. And US currently developing a very long range AAM of its own right now
I am just thinking, with Meteor, PL15 or even PL17 (that huge missile seen on J16) and R37, I think US is kinda desperate seeing they need to ctrl c + v RIM174 onto hornets.
I really want to see how large is PL17 actually, huge even seen on a flanker. What’s the size comparison to AIM174 and R37?
Part of me wants them to put AIM-174 on a EX or strike eagle so we can see it on both. Would probably go on the same hard point the triple mavericks go, so for E, 8x amraam and 2x AIM-174, for EX 12x AMRAAM and 4 AIM-174
The AIM-260 should put us back in game or likely ahead of PL-15 and Meteor, but PL-17 is more of the AIM-174 counterpart
Should have entered service by now apparently, but nothing shown yet. Also I am wondering about the size, I mean F-22 should be able to fit at least 4 right? I do know it should be larger than AMRAAM.
I haven’t seen any real pictures, seems like still quite early in its service. I wonder if in the future missiles like Pl15 will be fitted in 6 cause the new folded fins ones looks cool. I really would also like to see Russia make an attempt at an equivalent be it not on a flanker.
Imagine an AIM-120D shaped missile without full size mid-body wings → AIM-260
Internal layout likely fully revised, all systems an upgrade over the existing AMRAAM missiles.
Like a smaller PL17? That thing has stabilizing fins only as well. PL15 is getting them folded, don’t know how much that helps. What motor though, still rocket?