Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

yeah why dosent germany get the rafale?
france was literally a german colony for a while.

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India is a sub tree of Britain…if it’s added Britain should get it.

Or because no one wanted India.
Russian players would have moaned
German players have the DDR, US players had no ties.

Like SA no one wants SA or Indian vehicles most are Russian

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cant wait for a premium su30mki that costs 200€

Well thats gaijins choice, Britain hasnt a large enough player base for 200 dollar prems to be lucrative.

Now an Su-47 and you Sukhoi fanbois, would be creaming your pants to feed that snail

We are launching an action in the game (Shame on WT for supporting the practice of colonialism)…

We don’t care- we now have our own publisher in Russia…
And WT is a Western company in the jurisdiction of the European Union.

India should have been a stand alone tech tree.
There obviously isnt a huge market for Indian player base.

It may still happen like Israel

If it doesnt happen Gaijin have stated that India is a British sub tree. Would Britain have prefered OZ, Canada or NZ of course.

I would have played for India…The only relative problem is with the Navy, but Israel doesn’t have one at all.

Not only russian players cries about india but also French are afraid of their rafales and mirage 2000 would be added to UK only because that stupid “that was our colony”.

DDR in germany is the same example like Taiwan in China. 1 Nation but split

I said that before!

Im sure the plan was to give Russia, Ukraine…but less likely now

DDR ahould have been part of a Warsaw pact tree.
Including Hungary, Romania, Poland, Czech etc

Pls no… I don’t want any western vehicles in SOV TT.

Yea it would be nice to see that kind of nation.

If the British want to balance the F-15E and F-16, then you can easily add Singapore and Leopard Tanks from the same place…
But the T-90 and Su-30MKI in England are too much…

British have the EFT to balance the F-15E and F-16

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I was referring to the earlier Battle Ratings…Singapore had the F-16A Block 15 OCU and F-16C instead of the MiG-21 Bizon, and England also has the Grippen… why do they need the Su-30MKI?.There is an option with the F-15…
By the way, the Singaporean F-16C with a twist…
Python-5 air-to-air missiles
ELL-8212 electronic warfare containers from IAI/ELTA;
helmet-mounted DASH sights from Elbit Maarakhot.
max_g480_c12_r2x3_pd20 (4)

to make russian mains mad about that MKI has TGP, Spice, etc

Su-30SM also can use TGP that’s not a problem to install it. Russian players are just mad about Brits getting everything they want.


I’ve already written about this recently…
You can add Su-30SM of Kazakhstan, they bought Litening-3…
Spice can be replaced-…

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