Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Can’t the SU-30 technically mount the R-37?

Compared to Python 4 ?

I think lack R-73M and R-77-1, but after decompression to 14.0

Removed R-27R & R-27T only

Sorry. But i don’t know in what bases you can said that it will be 14.3. The plane use the same engine as other Vanilla Su-27 just with TVC, i don’t even think it can use the new engine that gaijin put on Su-33/Su-34 or Su-27sm. And if nothing its heavy; Canard, Two-seat, TVC. All of them add weight to the plane. Even with R-77-1 it will never be the first plane on the line doing BVR, that its not happening. Sure it will turn better, even better than the Su-33 or Su-27sm. And it will have a better radar too, but even that radar its not close to an AESA or the Captor-m when they finale fixed that thing. So it will be just a “rat fighter”.

Don’t even talk about other missile. Because if gaijin add a new missile for the Su-30sm other nations will cry for they stuff. Like aim9x or mica-ir. That conversation its out of the Windows. Even R-77-1 its pushing it.


Between each other (especially since we dont have Python 4 to compare with, sooo)

What I’ve found, the su-30sm uses the same engines as the 34 and the now updated su-27sm just with thrust vectoring. It doesn’t use the su-27s engines as they were never given the option of tvc. I would love to see the su-37 though as it uses different tvc engines producing more thrust than the engines on the su-35, it would be a cool aircraft to add and it would also fix the radar issue with most of the flankers in game as it uses a pesa radar

At present, no R-77-1 / RVV-SD model

MiG-29SMT (9-19), Su-27SM3, MiG-29KR, Su-30SM2, Su-35S and MiG-35

Because Su-30SM carries 10 R-77 & R-77-1 max and AL-31FP Engines with 3D Thrust-Vectoring great manoeuvrebility at low speed

Improved IRCCM and 60° off-boresight

I suppose close to R-74M

I’m well aware, I said the name “T-72” was no longer appealing especially after 1991. Take your time reading.

The fact that the thrust to weight will be worse than Su-27SM is why I think it is not going to be that strong in air RB, possibly worse then the Su-27SM itself if radar scan pattern gets fixed. Without missiles that have NO PLACE currently in game like the R-37M a better radar gives marginal returns (EFT for example still smokes everything despite the radar being currently worse than the F-16C one).


Su-30SM can.

pliz don’t talk about T-90. I’m still mad that gaijin hasn’t add the Obj187. This is why i don’t trust gaijin. Its been 4 years since T-90a has being add to the game and still no Obj-187. Or any “early” armata, like obj-195.

Anyone that has done BVR, know that the faster you go to 8k+ and near 1.5 on speed the more chance for the missile to hit someone, SPECIALY if you are the first one that start shooting missile… Even if the radar is bad… That its why even despite RAFALE using MICA. You can skill out range F-15 and Eurofighter. When MICA its suppose to be worst than aim120. Rafale right now has stupid acceleration the thing its like a Mig21bis on Steroids.

So if the Su-30sm still use the Su-27 engine its will be DOA for BVR. Being a good dogfighter won’t make it 14.0 material. @EbAR_nN3AA has said that it should use Su-27sm/su-34 engine. But i haven’t found info about that. But even if it get that engine i don’t think it will be much difference. Because Su-27SM is still lacking when you compare it with EFT/RAFALE or Some F-15 variants.

Why???.It was Yeltsin’s political decision to rename the tank (the first tank in service with the New Russia)…You’ve probably seen the video from Syria, if the Army doesn’t want to fight, no one will force it to do so.

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This is totally off topic, my point was well made. Let’s discuss the Su-27.

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And what is there to discuss?
Many people want Su-30!..The news for them is that India has ordered 85 AL-41F1 engines to modernize the Su-30MKI…

Good thing I grinded the UK tree then

Gaijin wont give them(better engines) at same time as Su-30SM

I don’t even think they will give Britain the su30mki or the rafale.
Because why would anyone grind any other tech tree if he can have the EFT, Gripen, Rafale and Su30mki in one tech tree.
(This would probably lower the premium sales after everyone grinded out Britain)


they might give
but well, thats not USA plane, maybe with delay

I think India should have a nation tech with ASEAN countries. It maybe more balance than India is a subtree of UK

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Tbh, India should never be added to UK TT. It’s disguasting seeing nation which can get almost everything because that stupid argument of colonies.