Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

Su-27’s fate is to be forgotten in the game


Well then lets hope they dont fk up Su-35/37.


Well we can hope but like @Malekitth said those are all based on the og su27, if the su27 fm sucks then late flankers most likely will suck too


Every time, like clockwork:


The Su-35S has a slightly modified airframe. The Su-35S also lacks an air brake behind the cockpit. It is stopped using flapperons and rudders.



Yep, gets spoofed by missiles every time, unintentionally

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I tested the R-73 with a friend, look how it shakes. It can’t even stabilize without fuel.


Unusually the R-73 seems more stable if its turning instead of flying in a straight line

Yes, it looks very strange.

There have been several instances when using an R73 that I overtake my own missile and nearly get shot down by it because it pulls too much AOA off the rails when it really doesn’t need to.

Seems rather problematic as the oscillation is causing very severe drag issues ontop of being very slow to accelerate.


But even if it gets some minor modifications, large parts of the original design were maintained. I doubt it’ll be enough to make it decent compared to the western aircraft, even more if we consider that those also got modified on their late variants.

But perhaps until then the og FMs will all get fixed or at least improved, we need to wait and see what happens.

I really wish we could turn off automated tracking mode switching. There have been many times where I’ll try to switch from an IRST to a radar lock and it’ll just stay IRST. I’ll be spamming the fire missile and wonder what’s going on and then I realize I have mess to with the radar/irst :(

Does anybody know if a pdf of this book is available online? Does it have info that the Su-27SK employment manual?Самолет_истребитель_СУ_27_Радиоэлектронное_оборудование_Техническое_описание_2022

Havent flown the Su-27 love the look of it.
Whats the main issues with it, when I face it in the Tornado they seem to do well?
Is it just an FM issue? Avionics, missiles?

Mostly comes to FM issues and piss poor radar


Is the Radar accurate to real life? We know Soviet tactics was to use a ground controller to guide the aircraft to intercept point?

It is not, because of lack of documentation on it combined with not the best guess work by Gaijin.
There is some info on the modes and “sensor fusion” with IRST, but some crucial details are missing, like the scan patterns and their period (time of one full scan). IRL, it shares a lot of commonalities with the MiG-29’s radar, which we do have plenty info on, so the Su-27’s radar, in the game, is mostly a copy past MiG-29’s radar with more range.

Here are a couple of things that are wrong:

  • Scan width should be 60° instead of 50°
  • The 27’s radar has a narrower beam width (3° vs 3.5°). Since the scan pattern is entirely a copy paste of the 29’s radar, there is now very little overlap between the scan bars (the radar scans the sky in horizontal bars. To prevent targets that are in between two bars not being spotted, horizontal scan bars usually have some overlap, kind of how you would overlap your strokes, if you are mopping the floor, to make sure you don’t leave any space not mopped). Because there is little overlap, the radar sometimes misses some targets when scanning the sky (this is an educated guess on my part of why this happens in the game)
  • There is currently a bug that affects all airborne radars, but it particularly makes the matters worse for late Soviet radars (Su-27, MiG-29). Because of it, instead of each target, on your TWS screen, taking 3.7 seconds to update (time of one full scan), it can now take up to 7.4 seconds, depending on where the target is in the scan zone. Due to this, you can often have TWS targets on your screen not get updated, so you get false info on where the target is (TWS track flies in the direction it saw the target fly, while the actual target is in a different place).
  • The radar now automatically switches to IRST when it thinks it is needed. The problem is, it often does so when you don’t want it with no option to turn it off (there is an option like that IRL, however). It is often that you lock a target with your Radar HMD, but the game decides to switch you to IRST tracking, which you can often don’t even notice, because only some letters above the radar screen change. You then try to launch your radar missile, but the game will not let you, because your are tracking with IRST. You then lose precious seconds fighting your radar to get it to launch. This has killed me quite a few times.
  • There is a 10 km limit for Radar HMD (while most western radars at that BR have 19km). That 10 km limit is not actually listed anywhere in the Su-27 or the MiG-29 manuals. That figure is only given to vertical ACM mode. So Gaijin just put the same limit on Radar HMD for the 27 and 29. While I can’t directly prove that the 10 km limit is not there for the HMD (can’t really prove it by going “oh, there is no mention of a limit”), there are however some “hints” in the manual about that (IRL, there is an option to have the radar switch to a Radar track, from an IRST track, automatically, if the target is within 15 km, or manually, if the pilots presses the lock button. The manual refers to it as locking “into a point”. The manual also states that locking “into a point” is how the Radar HMD works).
  • IRST has like a half of its all aspect range. There is also a 30 km limit, which Gaijin “fixed”.
  • The IRST scan zone is fixed in the game, while it should be able to be moved. Interestingly, it was possible to do so in the game before, but they removed it.

Overall, the Radar/IRST set is inferior to other planes at that BR (except for the presence of the IRST) and is quite finicky to use. However, I find it more fun to fly the Su-27SM that the F-15C or the F-16C, because of the variety of play stiles you can go for. Although, it is probably one of the most “positioning skill” dependent plane right not.


no, it isnt.
and theres one more about that radar must lose lock if bank angle more than 90
Community Bug Reporting System found it

Good break down:
The TWS errors and tracking missile is a massive issue for me when using the Tornado.
The Tornado is a poor airframe but has a great RADAR, I read that they were able to jam other RADARs with it.
Do they just ignore your bug reports or do they asscept them?

Having only flown the F-15 MSIP II on a friends account it was easy mode

Hope they fix the issues and make this aircraft playable :)

Will the PAESA

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ban yourself lol