Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

If that is the case and the MLD is superior to the older models that would finally bring some historical accuracy to the design features.


Certainly not completely Safe, just with a very good or very desperate pilot at the controls. Some reports say something like the Cobra has been used in extreme situations. It’s either try and pull something together or certain death. A very good article on MiG 21 maneuverability is here :

? That makes very little sense to me, can you explain this idea?

90° should drastically increase the radar cross section of the plane.

You don’t notch by putting your plane’s surface at 90° but by aligning your direction of travel perpendicular to the radar, right?

The only time a Cobra would help with that is when the speed of the aircraft gets so low, that the radar has trouble picking it up. No idea what the limit for that is, but that’s only possible for a very short time anyway, since gravity is making sure your relative speed won’t stay close to 0.

You can actually keep your relative speed 0 with su-27 at low fuel when TW is bigger than 1. After doing cobra you can just stay vertical without moving

But it’s hard to control


With this, the Su series will finally be the best 1 circle fighter. Just look at the turns at 0:45


They already could be if not for the issues regarding the fm. I think only the hornet can match the flanker in 1C but idk which plane would be better.

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0:45 is MiG-29 not Su


A German-Spanish program to create thrust vectoring for their EFT. So any EFT in Germany or Spain could get it. And then the EFT would become one of the most maneuverable Fighters.

This nozzle can be installed on an airplane, without any modifications to the airframe.

Still, russian aircraft that can turn. But yes that’s a mig and the one at 0:10-0:40 is a Su series

I was mentioning the Thrust Vectoring system more than the plane itself

Btw which variant is the SU at 0:12 with canards?

These 2 are the loadouts i use on SU-27SM, i wish the outer pylons could take something else, R-73 is borderline useless in the current meta, because of short range

Screenshot (855)
Screenshot (856)

Ecm pods on wingtips

Su-30I-6, Su-30MKI prototype

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But it’s not useless. So many people call it useless but it can be a life saver.


this is from 20 minutes ago


Agreed, nice kill btw


Again, it is useless. It grants you a last second hail mary in a situation where you already should have been dead in the first place. It allows you to punish someone for making an already severe mistake.


The plane practically doesn’t have anything going for it. It has:

  • Obsolete radar
  • Inferior missiles
  • A flight model that loses in a dogfight to every peer

It’s inferior up close. It’s inferior far away. Being able to pull a “useless” cheap shot out of thin air is one of the only things going for it.


I don’t have any issues with it for being so awful as you claim.

I didn’t make a mistake, I intentionally dropped my speed via airbrake and throttle. I didn’t do it because I lost my speed unintentionally.

The Mirage-2000 can permanently stay at High speed in a turn somehow, despite being a delta wing.

He would have bled me dry if I hadn’t done it and fought conventionally

I did it because there is no way in hell the SU-27 flight model can compete with any fighter right now.

I already had the idea of using my high AOA capability in my mind at the start of the duel. But yes it’s a gamble, a 1 trick pony. If the R-73 misses or gets flared you’re a sitting duck.

So I HAD to do something like this because it’s the only way this flying tincan can really accomplish something in BFM, especially in RB with the pathetic instructor limitations

I also hate how I have to switch to full real mid fight in a split second to do this

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The plane performs well enough that player skill can overcome its shortcomings vs lesser opponents. But the plane is simply outclassed at everything except carrying 10 missiles. An equally skilled opponent in an F-15, F-16C, or Gripen should be winning every time. The Su-27 and 27SM is still deadly enough to fight in game but it fights uphill in the snow both ways. When you win with it, you win because you overcome its shortcomings not because you have any big advantages to leverage.