Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

I actually meant strake or LERX. Please forgive me that English is not my first language (or even my second language), and I don’t have a good grasp of English terminology.
The Su-27 does have a very clever aerodynamic design. But this little antenna is obviously not one of them. It is treated as a wing shape more to reduce surface drag. For non-delta wing aircraft, the vortex generating device should at least be parallel to its main lifting body so that the airflow covers it. Some aircraft will place it at a positive mounting angle.


Su-27s are already somewhat unstable in Simulation Battle. When exceeding 24 degrees AOA, lateral instability begins to occur, similar to other aircraft in SB.
Instability in reality is mainly manifested in sluggishness on the roll axis and uncontrollable pitch coupling, which will affect flight safety, so ASC override control is prohibited most of the time. For early FBW aircraft, it was common to limit the available angle of attack to ensure that the aircraft was in a safe flight range, usually around 24-26 AOA. Over time, FBW aircraft such as the F-18 adopted different control rates to ensure sufficient maneuverability when flying at high AOA, thus relaxing this restriction.
The following two figures compare the control rates of the flight control systems of the Su-27 and Su-27M (Su-37, white 711). On the Su-37, the AOA-G load limiter has been integrated into the flight control and uses proportional integral control, which can achieve a fixed stick amount corresponding to a fixed G load or AOA. The flight control system’s AOA/G load selector determines whether it is G load command or AOA command based on the speed.

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No worries, mine too.

The leading-edge root extensions are not part of the wing. they are root of the fuselage.

According to you it’s not.

You’re right, this antenna has nothing aerodynamic and has no effect

sup guys, any news on the 27?


None afaik, the devserver will stay open until june 13 so there’s still hope for some fm adjustments on the flanker and the fulcrum, but chances are minimal i’d say.

It’s better to have low expectations tbh

not biased at all. don’t give russia thermal pod ever, be happy only with su25sm3


Thank you very much. It’s good that in simulator battles the lower stability and the possibility of going into spin is simulated. Your pictures don’t work, which is a shame.
Above 24 AoA the stickl starts to vibrate and if he moves the stick quickly the frequency increases and that means for the pilopt to slow its movement ?

To be fair, Sapsan-E never actually existed, it was actually a shell of a pod whose creator was subsequently sued for fraud.

I guess it could be added, but something like T220 would be more believable, as the pod at least actually exists.


It existed. It’s just manufacturer decided to pretend it’s not.


Could you provide me some sources on that? Not that I don’t believe you, this is just contrary to what I’ve heard before.

I’ll work on providing a link to the Sapsan being paper.

Did anyone notice more wing rips happening recently on live?

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Thermal pods should definitely be given to Russian aircraft, without them many miss out on laser guided ordinance that they should have.

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Yes I noticed its started doing it more beginning of week, I think? Was going to say something I just figured because I havent played it as heavily.

Ripped 3-4 games & knew it could not be me. It was me, but yeah it rips noticeably easier.

The Flanker on dev does too. Even if carrying much lighter R-77s. To be honest I am not really feeling the effects of the Su27SM get lighter carrying the R-77s. Still feels roughly the same weight to me.

If you fly with any angle of attack, how can you say it has no aerodynamic effect? Of course, it will regardless of if it was placed there with no intention of doing so or not.

I know you have formal knowledge in fluid dynamics. You really going to say it does nothing, has zero effect? No drag or vortices if flown at any angles of attack? Not saying by design just simply by existing.

their influence is so small that they can be ignored. And I have no formal knowledge of hydrodynamics.And the fundamental ones

At least you can concede to that. Thats reasonable.

I agree I think they are minimal & said that from the beginning.
Except that they probably only do anything in the highest angles of attack & will not be missed if they were taken.

I actually think it should help the Flanker reduce drag in a rate. Just fyi vortex generators help aircraft achieve greater take off weights & landing performances they look small but can do many things. Not say that is what it did.

Hydrodynamics? ok yeah, it is a subfield of fluid. I get you.

As you can see, they don’t take into account the models at all, neither the antennas nor the covers are anything.Even pylons are sometimes not taken into account, but only suspended rockets