Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

just open the link, page 108 on the website and 103 in the document

I’m not talking about shape. Or is the F-16C’s radar AESA? Isn’t it different? You have to physically move the radar. LMFAO Aren’t you saying that it’s strange for the radar to be linked to the HMD in real time even though it has that operating time? Or you can’t even cut pizza? 50 degrees LMFAO


seems like having a sistem that give you 2 angles and a pair of motors to move the radar using those 2 angles is impossible(which is basically the data that the ir seekers gets when they are radar enslaved) unless you use an electronic scan

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lmfao the fake radar HMS of the Su-27 can actually point further than the IRST.

Again, you are just uneducated & emotional. You feel there is some sort of personal attack on your well being. Relax, you will be ok.

We are NOT talking about AESA or PESA radars that have the ability to bend the signal.

We are talking about the ability to directional control and focus the beam. Planar Array antennas can do this.

The radar dishes cannot swivel like you think they can. They need the radar to be able to point the beam angles immediately.

Only an ARRAY of antennas are capable. PLANAR ARRAY.

Cassegrain antennas like the ones found on your neighbor’s roof also found inside the Mig-23 & Su-27 are incapable of precise directional beam control.

They are incapable of side stepping this technological limit with the IRST. That is made-up FAKE feature in WT.


Использование нашлемной системы целеуказания (НСЦ) позволяет летчику осуществлять пуск ракет Р-27ЭТ, Р-27Т, Р-73 (Р-60М) с выполнением прицеливания «навскидку» при жестком дефиците времени. Целеуказание при этом выдается координаторам ТГС, РЛПК и КОЛС в телесном угле ±60° (по углу места вниз 14°). По желанию летчика или при необходимости пуска управляемых ракет Р-27Р (Р-27ЭР, Р-27ЭП, Р-27П) после захвата цели РЛПК выбрать к применению ракеты Р-27Р (Р-27ЭР, Р-27ЭП, Р-27П) и дальнейшее прицеливание осуществлять по информации РЛПК. Для обеспечения устойчивого захвата цели РЛПК целесообразно установить режим работы БЛ. БОИ.
В целях обеспечения надежной работы системы целеуказания в процессе маневрирования с Пу>6 необходимо производить тщательную индивидуальную подгонку защитного шлема с НВУ.

Возможен пуск ракет Р-27ЭТ, Р-27Т, Р-73 без отпускания кнопки МРК. ЗАХВ. ПЗ, при этом необходимо отслеживать цель через НВУ.
Если выбраны к применению управляемые ракеты Р-27Р, Р-27ЭР, Р-27ЭП, Р-27П, целеуказание в режиме ШЛЕМ выдается РЛПК-29 и после захвата цели радиолокационным прицелом дальнейшее прицеливание осуществлять по информации ИЛС. О захвате цели радиолокационной станцией или теплопеленгатором свидетельствует мигание прицельных колец на НВУ.


Thank you.

In this case, target designation is issued to the coordinators of the TGS, RLPK and KOLS in a solid angle of ±60° (downward elevation angle of 14°). At the request of the pilot or if it is necessary to launch R-27R (R-27ER, R-27EP, R-27P) guided missiles after capturing the RLPK target, select for use the R-27R (R-27ER, R-27EP, R-27P) missiles and Further aiming should be carried out according to RLPK information.

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First of all, realize that no one is treating you properly.

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AFTER is a key word. You cannot lock the target with R-27R with the HMS whatsoever.

You must lock a target with the IRST within the FoV of the radar, you them must allow time for the radar to track the target & switch to R-27R.

The radar does not instantaneously point at the target & generates a track, there is a delay.

The IRST is not a radar HMD.

I am 100% correct.

If guided missiles R-27R, R-27ER, R-27EP, R-27P are selected for use, target designation in HELMET mode is issued by RLPK-29 and after the target is captured by the radar sight, further aiming is carried out according to the HUD information. The target acquisition by a radar station or heat direction finder is indicated by the blinking of the aiming rings on the NVU.

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This is what the devblog says about SU-27

“One of the best jet duelists in the game is getting even better.”

Thus just shows how UTTERLY CLUELESS the DEVS are about the state of the game.

The Flight Model of SU-27 is UTTER DOGSHIT, meanwhile the F-16 is a fantasy UFO.

They need to fix SU-27 flight model, tired of dogshit Russian flight models by gaijin because of 0 skill garbage premium playing bombing F-4S main clueless utter worthless USA mains crying.

(Open the video for defyn’s opinion on SU-27)


The OEPS-27 is not a radar HMS period.

There is no such mode as PD HMD.

The radar is only pointed at the angular position when there is a target locked in IRST & you switch back to radar. The radar is not even on at the same time as IRST in game.

You provided further evidence no such mode exists.

This is from a MiG-29 manual, so it wouldn’t have OEPS-27. Also it clearly says If guided missiles R-27R, R-27ER, R-27EP, R-27P are selected for use, target designation in HELMET mode is issued by RLPK-29. HELMET mode not HELMET IRST, not HELMET RADAR. Just HELMET designation, meaning it can designate for radar


You cannot lock a target with the HMS sight and exclusively use radar alone, everything is first done with the IRST. You cannot circumvent this process.

There is no such thing as a PD HMD mode.


I completely agree


you realize that in the same paper states operational angles larger than the ones than the IRST actually supports, when the mode for the ir missiles is selected the missile seeker is enslaved to the helmet not the irst and when the radar missiles are selected the radar is enslaved to the helmet


You can’t say that! Gaijin developers say it’s the best duelist!

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