Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

You edited that Late and that is true and I agree but my point still stands.

Ok i understood your logic,but some of the aspects of the SM and SM3 where taken from older projects.

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Yes, no doubt.

Glad we can agree 🤍.

It has been quite the fun time discussing and my personal preference I will refer to them as the generations of Su-35S but that doesn’t mean everyone has to!

Thank you for all the discussing brother.

You should say that they share some similarities and that’s It.

Well sure, it makes it sound a little minor when It in my opinion is quite a big part of the Su-35S development but to each is own.

I don’t want to keep wasting anymore time going back and forth about this but I am glad we can conclude at once.

Great discussion again. Cannot wait to see all of the Sukhois ingame.

My favorite Is the 47, but i dont think It will be ever added to the game.

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I hope it will. I hope we get every single one of the Sukhois! 😁

su27 feels like absolute garbage compared to the dcs su27. Feels like a giant airbreak in warthunder. Having that high aoa is effectively useless in warthunder because gaijin seeming purposely made it so


The same thing happens with the mig29, many ppl think that they are artificially nerfed FM wise because of their long range missiles, with gaijin not wanting to give the best bvr and wvr to the same tree. I think that there’s some truth around this Idea and maybe we’ll see some FM adjustments in the Future if the r27er stops being the best bvr missile.


Unless we see a massive acceleration towards the deployment of Late (e.g. AIM-120D and counterpart) Fox 3s, it’s still going to be relevant due to the Sheer Time To Kill Delta it has vs comparable missiles which will make it at least somewhat relevant to the opening shot of a mid range BVR engagement.

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There we go another person claiming this and honestly I am starting to think it is the truth.

Might as well be honestly because when is there not severe artificial nerfing in this Game.


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I just don’t see why as with real life the roles couldn’t have been reversed, the R-27R is far closer in terms of performance to the AIM-7F / -7M is, and the AIM-95 and assorted missiles could have been the answer to the R-73 if not the AIM-9M.

Though I do think its partially why multipath has been left as it is to provide a hard counter, so people don’t need to learn IRL tactics, or find themselves with no options.


Right and here we come to another issue with this game’s community.

It would be impossible to have multi-path be anything close to how it is IRL due to the community would NEVER be able to take the time to learn these counters and there would just be a MASSIVE wave of whining until multi-path is made into a childrens game again.

Its not like Gaijin have done much to curb the amount of whining about undertiered US props; because they turn with Zeros (its more an issue with not allocating them a fair airspawn, and lack of Airborne objectives (they could easily port over the Intercept / Escort the Recon flight objectives from EC) - considering their escort role and comparatively poor climb rate, and mentioning anywhere what they are actually good at), so only adjusting things via BR wouldn’t be without precedent.


Very well said while I do not 100% get what you are saying since I only play modern vehicles it sounds like a good point but that is just Gaijins problem not being able to design gamemodes to fit all aircraft properly and you just said how simple it can be to be fixed!

I think the main issue is the disparity between the ER and other radar missiles, that thing is miles better than every single other fox1. It may still be very relevant but at least other trees will have competitive weapons.


No sapsan and lgb :(


Is this su27 known to be lighter weight or higher thrust than the current su27? Or is it just avionics
