That model Rafale has an AESA Radar, that was the reason
Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection
Uh… Yes. Su-27SM2 is testbed. Smth like preSu-35
So they accidentally add the Kfir C.10 block 60… why? Knowing it was the AESA radar that was the primary upgrade for that specific variant? No… they knew it had an AESA or at the very least knew that the RBE2 was a fantastic PESA radar better than anything else in the game at the time.
Yesterday I missed one message (by the way, interesting information), this is not an export version of Bars, but a Russian later version, because the Su-30SM is indicated, and the Su-30SM was not submitted for export, and the Su-30SME has been in Myanmar since December 2022…
So, in principle, there are no contradictions, this is a newer version…
Do you have a link to this site, not a screenshot, to see the year of publication…
Compare with the table here…Increased the number of escorted targets to 25 and the number of attacked targets from 4 to 8…
I looked through the web archive…The starting date is April 2019.
This is a Irbis with an electrohydraulic suspension of the antenna web, Bars does not have such a thing.
The timer is 00.46 seconds…
There were no orders, although such an opportunity was present from the very beginning…
An older (2013) version of the NIIP website, Modernization section.
At the request of the customer, the BARS radar station can be:
- changed the diameter and type of antenna (FAR – AFAR);
- The power of the Pcr=1 transmitter has been changed…5 kW.;
- the “Air–to–Air” and “Air-to-Surface” automated control systems used by both Russian and foreign customers have been changed;
- modes for detecting dangerous weather formations have been introduced.
Радиолокационная система управления «БАРС» для истребителей Су-30МКИ, Су-30МКА, Су-30МКМ
The internet archive link is above the screenshots.
Currently, it seems that no longer lists the military products on their website; Not sure why …
I’ve already sorted it out and sent you messages (I didn’t edit the message in the translator)…The publication of the section starts on April 27, 2019.
You forget they added the Su-34 with a PESA Radar the update before.
Did they change the Engine on that Su-27sm2? and if they did what engine did they use on it?. You need more power for a radar like IRBIS. Unless is IRBIS-E that was used on Chinese Su-35s that just work on 5kw instead of the 10kw of Russian Su-35s.
Su 27sm variants in service never had irbis radar, only the sword radar. The only engine upgrade they got was the engine that was added in the last update, unless they want to add some thrust vectoring engine that was not put into service / production models
I MTL the Magazine in the link. And its basically what i have said. Irbis was fly on a SU-30mk2/SU-27SM2 but it use 1kw T/M. So that its really underpower. Maybe on the Range of current radar in game. The magazine also talk how old Su-27’s can’t Use the 5kw T/M. Because their engine don’t produce enough power. And because of that and money they decide to just upgrade old radar for old Su-27’s.
Okay, and that furthers your point how?
I guess for an update Russia had the best Radar.
Im not sure why you are critical of Gaijin giving the Rafale an AESA radar.
I never said anything that would indicate I was being critical of the Rafale receiving an AESA.
An Su-35S is pictured, and unless you mean to tell me that they were making brochures for the Su-27M in 2008, marketing it with imagery that is interestingly similar to the Su-35S and making claims that are very in-line with the N035’s capabilities.
They are? Your “sources” are magazines and tabloids…
it was Su-35 aka T-10BM. BM has nothing in common with Su-27M.
You know the way of the R-27ER I see 😏