Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

A lot hinges on how they model the TVC. How they’ve modelled the thrust nozzles on the harriers for example leaves a bit to be desired - but since it is manually enacted by the player it doesn’t matter so much. You can fly around and never touch the nozzle controls all day long if you want.

If it was kicking in every time you made a hard pull irrespective of the airspeed/energy state, I could imagine it would be a real pain in the backside. It would drive you nuts.

Yet that is what Gaijin need to model regarding even a simple 2-plane TVC, much less anything more complex.

of course not. The MiG-29 drag index has nothing to do with the Su-27


I wish my country (Chile) could buy them. We use F-16C B50/52. But we need to remove old F-5 from inventory. When the F-16 was choose, the gripen was also in the competition. But that was in 2000… So the Gripen E didn’t exist at that time. Now that the platform has madure. It could be a good addition. Also its not the first time that Embraer and ENAER has work together. So a nice deal could be made between Chilen, Brasil and Sweeden.

Sadly all the talk and rumors point out to the Eurofighters.

It should come down to the engine. Dunno if Russian speaking players has more information on Su-37 engines. The information on “AL-37FU” is mixed. Some people said it never pass the paper stage. Other said at least 3 where build and two tested on Su-37… The Terminator with AL-37FU should be better than Su-30SM. Regardless of 2D vs 3D TVc.

More important than new airplanes is that you keep your fancy Prussian-style military parades.


Initially, the X-38 missile was created for the MiG-29SMT/Su-34…
The Kh-38M missile variant can also be used with the MiG-35/Ka-52M…


max_g480_c12_r2x3_pd20 (6)

At the same time, there are export versions of the missile, which implies a wide range of carriers…х-38%20мкэ&
Although there are no photos of the Su-30 with the Kh-38 yet, at the same time there is no information that the Su-30 cannot use them…


Anyone has info on whether the ±70 deg in azimuth (for Bars radar) is with the electronic and mechanical steering combined, or just the electronic steering?

(Rosoboronexport AEROSPACE SYSTEMS export catalogue 2005)

There is this secondary source claiming ±90 deg but it also makes wild claims in terms of range:

(Russia’s Arms and Technologies. The XXI Century Encyclopedia. Vol. 10 - Aircraft armament and avionics)

For example Zhuk is listed to have ±70 with phased array antenna and ±85 for slotted array (mechanical) antenna.

Kinda doesn’t make sense for combined mechanical and electronic steering to result in less azimuth coverage than purely mechanical beam steering:

But then again, Bars’ ±45 deg elevation coverage (which is purely by electronic beam steering) suggests that it just has a relatively narrow beam steering coverage.

So likely ±45 deg coverage in azimuth with electronic beam steering and an additional ±25 deg with mechanical steering for a total of ±70 degrees.


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Unless google translate is butchering it or I’m reading it incorrectly, the -14 elevation limit seems dog**** (and contradicted by the +45 deg listed in the export catalogue) and is that “3 to 10 degrees electronic steering in azimuth”?


-14 is not for azimuth.

For azimuth ±70 mech scan + 3-10 electronics scan.

For elevation it is from -14 to + 40 electrical stan.

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What was the ‘T’ number for the Su-27SM that we currently have in game, as well as what Flanker it is?

For example, the base Su-27 is known as T-10S and as the Flanker-A (This is for the WTHLM Lang Mod)

If possible, a link to the source if you have it.

Yeah I meant -14 for elevation.
Seems really bad … Like I can’t understand how it can be this bad-level, bad …

BTW any ideas as for the discrepancy?
Rosoboronexport catalogue lists ±45 for elevation (purely electronic beam steering).

  1. Opsec and one or both documents is a lie.
  2. Both are true, but talk about different versions of radar.
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NIIP’s website also lists ±45 deg electronic steering (for the export version at least)

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Don’t worry, that’s not quite true…

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The first link makes me think that the -14 to +40 elevation and ± 3 to 10 deg in azimuth figures could be for some sort of ACM mode:


It’s flanker b not flanker a. Flanker a was prototype

Which standard Su-27 do we have? as there was many Flanker-As and 2 Flanker-Bs?

We have an flanker b (j11/su27sk and su27s) and a flanker e (27sm) although the 27sm that we have in the game never existed, it’s weird

So the Flanker-E Su-27SM doesn’t have an idz. T number? Even tho some sources say the SM was a mid life update for the Su-27