Sukhoi Su-27/30/33/35/37 Flanker series & Su-34 Fullback - History, Design, Performance & Dissection

102% of the increase in lifting force is not in any way

If that is the case they should invest in proper indication of multi-stage afterburner. F-15 should not last forever on 102% throttle.

It is expected for one of the heaviest fighter aircraft in the world to fly bad on full fuel + ordnance.

I think this is the first update where I’ve seen mains of every single nation implying Gaijin hates their main and loves their main’s geopolitical rivals. It’s actually kind of impressive


Su-27 is also not reliant on drop tanks for its range and had a very impressive fuel fraction, so it should be unusually true for the Flanker. That the Flanker is a very heavy bird at full fuel has been well known for a long time


The Mig23 was such an embarrassment on Mikoyan’s record, especially in the Middle East and the Mig29 was the fighter dedicated to redeem the OKB.

Like the entire middle east despised the Mig23.

They absolutely did not, I’ve written a lot about this before, the MiG-23’s record in the middle east is anything but unsatisfactory. It performed well.

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 ‘FLOGGER’ - History, Design, Performance & Dissection - Machinery of War Discussion / Aircraft - War Thunder — official forum

I love the SU-27 but they took a lot of its maneuverability away since dev. It has that lovely invisible wall not allowing you to pull alpha above 800km in full real.


Its garbage. The Iraqis hated it thanks for the link will check it out.

Mikoyan’s history specifically talks about how tarnished export sales were because of the failure of the Mig23. It was crap to work on and maintain, it was a pilot killing aircraft. You can barely see out of it and the walls of the sides are up to your eyes.

There was nothing good about it.

The Iraqis didn’t hate it. It did great in Iran-Iraq.

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What did they like about it?

On another note, I love the Su27 but the maneuverability nerf is kinda pissing me off.

It was fast, maneuverable, it had good sensors, good range, and it was well armed (with the R-60 being especially appreciated). It was second in the skies only to the F-14, and against F-14s, the MiG-23MLAs that arrived later in the conflict traded 1:1 with them. It was only in the incredibly lethal environment of Desert Storm, where the MiG-29 also met its match, that the MiG-23s were helpless.


Someone on the “MiG-23 bad” trope again? Feel free to further their learning / knowledge in my dedicated MiG-23 thread;

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Interesting, how did they trade 1:1 with the F14?

You are right, it was very fast and I think its underpowered in WT there and very hard to visually detect.

However, by all accounts I ever read maneuverability was very poor. Very low lift in the wings. Very slender fuselage with no lifting attributes. It is by all accounts more of a interceptor than a fighter. Even Mikoyan deemed it more interceptor than anything.

Look at it. It’s purely designed to intercept. Which was the predominant design focus of the Soviet Union at the time.

If it was so lethal why did Mikoyan and the world immediately cast it to the side when the Mig29 came about? Why has not a single nation decided to upgrade it and maintain it?

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@The_Generic_Guy A bit off topic but if you want to read about the MiG-23’s whereabouts today, Syria still continues to upgrade and operate the fighter. Such a sad thing that the politics of the Soviet union (outlawing all single engine fighters) ended the reign of terror the MiG-23 was giving American teen series fighters.

The MiG-23 will forever go down in history as an underdog, who always punched above his weight class. More on the MiG-23ML’s 2:1 K/D on Tomcats in the MiG-23 thread;


I realized it locking chaff a lot as well, truly feels like MLD radar with long range lmao , very spot on

Politics of the Soviet Union??? Outlawing single engine fighters??

Fascinating… Guess that “law” did not apply to the legendary Mig-21 huh?

@The_Generic_Guy bro, the Mig23 was such a failure the Soviet Union completely washed their hands with it in 1985 and decided to modernize the Mig-21 instead.

MiG-21-93 First flight 1995.

cause mig21 is cheap and easy to repair or upgrade for small country, you cant let a small country to maintenance a complex variable sweep wings jet

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Yes, and it’s also a great fighter. Especially the Bison.

A small country? Which?

Which country do you think lacks the ingenuity to maintain a dirt cheap Mig23s? Literally farmers out in Texas own them. One just crashed his recently.

You think India chose the Bison because it’s simple? Or because it was always the superior platform over the Mig23?

did india bought the Mig23? upgrade their own mig21 is a better and cheaper choice than bought mig23s which its line is already been removed