Subtree Rework - Nation Folders

3D model, cause I’m a 3D modeler and the context I’ve used for copy-paste has always been that of game development and 3D modeling, and not that of writing cause… this isn’t a narrative-based game.

AKA, my use of copy-paste is more strict than most.
Also Su-30MKI is an Indian aircraft. Might be developed from an earlier prototype, but it’s an entirely new airframe requested by the Indian military.

Ok fair, again as i said though, different people have different Ideas of what C&P means

Some nations get dedicated trees while some can’t even fill lineups, or are exclusively premium content, or are split across multiple trees. That means they cannot be effectively played as nation. This was exactly the point I was trying to make. You seem to preach equal treatment of all nations, but this is not possible with the current subtree system.

For everything subtrees do to help in filling lineups and providing capabilities and a variety that wouldn’t otherwise be there, they also have to share space. A common argument against subtrees is that in the limited space they can’t properly unfold, while taking away space for domestic vehicles in the main tree.

With this suggestion I aim to take away those negatives while keeping the positives. If that costs a single further click, then so be it, especially when that click leads to a neatly organized fully functional independent tree and opens for up many gameplay choices and new additions that would be impossible without this.


This suggestion can only age well until it’s actually implemented


They should do subtrees liek this from the beginning. Now it’s a mess and will be even bigger mess.



This is probably one of the best suggestions I’ve ever seen, your idea perfectly solves most of the problems subtrees face.

+1 for me


Clutter and treating sub-trees as inferior to the main tech tree is not “best”.
This is a sentence of frustration relating to previous games I’ve experienced in a negative manner.

The suggestions aims to relieve clutter in trees, allowing for the necessary space to have more logical progression within the tech trees.

The only added step to the UI interface is the nation selection, which functions not much different from the current branch selection. You can open the air tree to add an aircraft to a ground lineup, much the same way as you can select Hungary to add Hungarian tanks to your Italian ground lineup.

The subtrees are treated more equal than they are now. Rather than being lesser gap fillers under another nation, they have their own tech tree that functions the same as any other nation. Each nation in a folder can be considered the “main” nation as long as a player has it selected, so really there is no “main” or “sub” nations anymore in that sense.

Even if we treat defaulting to one of the foldered nations when launching the game as treating the others worse, that is still a significantly more equal treatment than not featuring them as their own nations at all.


this is a really well put together idea +1




At first I thought this was a solution in search of a problem, but I can definitely see the utility at least in some cases, where otherwise the subtree plus the normal TT might make more than five columns. +1

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Can we please already implement this. The issue of Subtrees being treated as Band-Aids for the main tech trees are getting seriously out of hand. With the issue of just pasting content to “fix” the problem like Finland to solve the lack of tanks in the Swedish TT, that simply added stuff that finland really only used in very limited quantities. Not Like They had a army based on the Stug for a while…

This has not only affected Finland but also Italy, France, Great Britain(altough most of these vehicles was actually unique to the Sub-Tree), all these nations have gotten Sub-Trees as a way to slap random stuff to ductape the hole in the white wall, and not paint over it. It sloppy and frankly shows a big amount of disrespect to the history behind these Nations that the Sub-Trees are based of.


Hello, Gaijin?

Why have you not implemented this yet?


Update: Reworked Research System

The research system proposed for the Nation Folders concept has been reworked to streamline the gameplay and prevent unnecessary complications.

The old system for research, where shared research required a checkbox has been removed in favor of a simpler, more intuitive “Shared Research” concept.

Thanks to @Noveos_Republic for bringing up the issue with the old research system

The Old “Divided Research” System


The Checkbox System functions in much the same way as individual trees would, letting each vehicle of a nation research vehicles from that same nation. So (for example) an Italian tank would research vehicles within the Italian tank research tab, while a Hungarian tank would research vehicles in the Hungarian tank research tab.

Using a Checkbox, a set nation can be selected to receive the total earned RP for that vehicle type. Meaning once the checkbox is ticked all research goes to the selected vehicle in the nation the checkbox was ticked in.

The issue here is that the default setting splits research and requires further input to reach the games current shared research, which is not very intuitive and will make the grind feel slower due to the divided research. Without selecting a Checkbox, RP earned with vehicles from “completed” nations would also be wasted, even if there is still vehicles from foldered nations to research.

The New “Shared Research” System

With shared research, the separate foldered nations function as one in terms of research. For each branch of Army, Helicopters, Aviation, Coastal and Bluewater, one research goal is selected across all nations that will be researched with all vehicles of the same branch used in a battle.

To make navigation easier and help players keep track of their selected research goal within another foldered nation it is displayed in the top right, next to the search bar. Here you could on a quick glance see the current selected vehicle to research, the necessary RP left to complete it and the nation it is from.

Research Indicator


Maybe it’s just me and I don’t see the pros of the new “shared” system but I think the split research using the helicopter’s joint research system is better.

Tho I think it’s also how I’ve been picturing how this changes how sub-trees are treated.

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It’s simpler, allowing you to basically research one at a time the way you can now with all nations stuck in one tree.

In the old system, players with mixed lineups would run into “slower research”, since with split RP it takes a longer time between finishing research goals.
There’d also be the issue of wasted RP, since if no checkbox is selected in the old system RP is wasted if one nation has everything researched even if others in the folder don’t.

I originally only had it split to make nations feel more separate, but gameplay wise I feel like it would be more of a niche option and most players would probably get tired of checking boxes or annoyed at the percieved “slower research”.
I don’t think the simpler version takes away from nation independence, since you can still play any nation on their own and aren’t forced to use other nations vehicles, so in my opinion it seems like the better option.

But I could add a poll and have players decide, maybe with a third option to have split research be a checkbox (I wanted to include that initially, but I ran out of time to edit it)


I’d do a poll. See what is liked more. As both sides have their pros and cons.

I now see the slower research part, as it’s something you’d come across using an aircraft outside of air modes.

I liked the split as it helped subs feel a bit more independent, which is a big reason why I like the suggestion as being treated as if it was an independent tree is far better than currently. but I can see the other side now.


Poll: Research System for Foldered Nations

This is the poll on the Research System for the suggestion. It will be open for about a week, the result will decide if Shared Research stays, or if the suggestion reverts to Divided Research

What should the default Research System be?
  • Divided Research
  • Shared research
0 voters

Divided Research



  • Individual nations receive their own individual research goals
  • Multiple vehicles can be researched alongside each other


  • Unlocking vehicles feels slower, as RP is divided between the nations
  • When using divided research, RP earned by “completed” nations vehicles is wasted
  • Cross Nation research locked behind a Checkbox

Shared Research



  • Unlocking vehicles is faster, as it focuses all RP of a vehicle type on the same goal
  • System is easy to understand, the last thing you selected is what you research


  • Research of nations is pooled together, giving a less individual feel
  • Vehicles have to be researched one by one

I think having split research would definitely help foster that sense of independence for a subtree, however, with the current RP gain, unlocking vehicles would be incredibly slow as the earnings of a single battle would have the be split among different vehicles of different subtrees.


I mean wasn’t that where the heils-shared RP system came in? (the one that was originally in use for the research part of the suggestion) How the first research system read to me was RP gain was split until you checked a box allowing all RP to go to the same place. Or at least that’s what the original research part looked like to me.

Basically, RP is split until a checkbox is clicked(with an attached drop-down to select the nation), which then all RP will go to the vehicle currently being researched in that nation.

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