SU39 vs SU24 for CAS 11.7 lineup

So SU39 beats out SU25T because of the better missiles, kind of a no brainer there. But the question is does 3 KH’s on a supersonic platform beat out 2 + vikirs pods that the su39 has? SU39 can also defend itself a bit better again other aircraft having IR jammer/more CM and R73’s.

Haven’t touched the SU24 yet, but I have bought it. Just not sure if I should bother if I have the SU39. Not sure how miserable being subsonic in Fox 3 range (not sure what crack was smoked when the phantom ICE was placed at 11.7 and other jets too almost as low in GRB). With ARH being slung in 11.7 GRB im not sure it even matters.

I guess I also don’t know how the optics in both planes compare, or if it even uses them since the TV missiles use their own optics? And both planes use the same missile.

Both are very situational vehicles, Su-39/25T is only good when you have barely to no presence of AAM and SPAA on the enemy side because even though you have 16x Vikhr missiles you have to always face forward to the target, making you a easy target,

Su-24M is a striker bomber, barely no AA weapons, mostly for self defense, if you have the bombs you must just drop them at high speeds, if you have any guided TV missile use the afterburner, take some altitude, drop and rearm.