On the su34 display, “tv” is framed with white light, while ““ТП”” is an infrared channel.
Who can teach me how to upload a photo
It refers to infrared night vision (image intensification), not thermal imaging
Su34 is allready very strong cas plane it doesnt need any buffs rn
Speak eanglish bruh
let me try
I mean :It’s powerful, but thermal imaging pods will make it easy to find enemies
Ahh exacly and why would u want to make this op aircraft even more op?
Also u have good thermals on the kh38
Make her op like jas39, ef2000
Gripen isnt ap at all and uf2k has laser brimstones so not op either
su34 is better then both with 20km fast ir missiles and big ass bomb
Last thing its needs is another buff from any kind
oh and it doesnt need to face pantsir
This is a english speaking section buddy.
You expect people to understand korean?
That’s Chinese
I admit that you are right bro
Maybe when other sppa will come the su34 gonna be buffed
I think we should fold a pantsir-sm under the pantsir-s1 haha
i feel like now is a good time for the su-34 getting the thermals that it can use but not been enabled tho since the su-30 going to have a thermal imaging pod su-34 should finally get its thermal mod right who aggrees