Su22m3 Flares and chaff

There is big problem with number of flares that this squadron vehicle has. Why? 12 flares/chaff for 10.7 is low number(It fires them in pairs so only 6 shots of them). Also same plane in german tech tree has 128 flare/chaff. So if it is possible give this plane more flares/chaff, by giving it countermesures pod.


They are not the same, the su22m3 has a much stronger engine

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The historical Syrian Su-22M3 had its own countermeasure launchers that are missing, was bug reported a long time ago but nothings moved on it yet.


Yeah. it are the same planes as Su-17m3 they have the same br and must have the same countremesures.

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the SU22M3 had:
1x KDS-23 decoy launcher with twelve cartridges (the one we have now)
4 × Artem ASO-2V decoy launchers with 32 × 26 mm decoys each ( the 128 that Syria is missing )
1 × SPS-141/142/143 jammers (are pods designed for electronic warfare (EW))

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Source: Suchoi Su-22 – Wikipedia go for the:
Selbstverteidigungssysteme (Self-defense systems) then Aktive Maßnahmen (Active measures)

We just have to wait for the devs to add them xd