Right now these things are at BR 9.3. Upteirs are 95% of games because of all the 10.3 premiums. No flairs, no missiles and average speed (for upteirs) make this thing pretty much unusable. All it can do is base bomb and even then its that viable as 10.3 fighters are faster.
If you move it down its speed would be op in a downtier, rn decompression is the only solution
No it needs to go up because of all the 8.3 subsonics it gets in its 99% downtiers
In SA severs this thing almost never gets a downier.
No. This would be ridiculous at 9.0.
The lowest BR supersonics are at 9.3, and the Su-7 certainly isn’t the worst of them.
Shameless Geamr plug…
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