SU-6 76.2mm(3-K)

Hey mates, I will be suggesting the SU-6 with 76.2mm 3K gun.


Jokes aside, this is the one ↓



During the early 1930s, the Soviet Union were experimenting with a newer generation of anti air vehicles, since they only had a limited amount of anti-air armament armed trucks the Soviet Union issued an anti-air platform on tracks. Development from Leningrad at the Design Bureau of Plant No. 185 in 1934 and the project was under the general supervision of S. A. Ginzburg. L. Troyanov. The 76.2mm 3-K gun (M1931) was chosen as the main armament and the chassis of the T-26 was also selected. Testing started at 1935, where the vehicle performed in various testings such as driving 180 km and fireint 50 shots for the factory testings, which the vehicle performed well. After factory testing, the vehicle was sent to be field tested. Contrary to the factory tests that went well, the vehicle often needed repairs, additionally testing were delayed due to swapping the 76.2mm out for a 37mm to also test out the capabilities of that combination. Finally testing has proven the vehicle to have issues mainly due to the overloaded chassis. Thus the vehicle was not accepted into service and work on the project terminated. In the end, only 4 vehicles were fully completed.

The vehicle itself

The vehicle was an open box structure of the T-26’s chassis with the gun mounted openly in the centre. The T-26 chassis needed an extension due to the larger area for the gun and crew (seen by 9 road rollers compared to the regular 8 of the T-26), the width of the vehicle was also increased, suspension elements were also strengthened due to the increased load. The superstructure had 6-8mm riveted steel plates as protection to the crew, and the gun was bolted onto the roof of the hull. The 3-K gun had a barrel length of 56 calibres, had 360 degree rotation and had vertical guidance of -5 to +82 degrees. The ammunition load out consists of 48 shells. Also a hydraulic system was used to disengage the suspension while firing. The vehicle had a kerb weight of 11000 kg , a top speed of 28 km/h and a cruising range of 130 km. The Driver was positioned in the same manner as in the T-26, with the commander to the left of him, the four other gun crews are located left and right of the gun two by two on each side.



YaG-10 29K

The most suitable comparison to this vehicle is its truck counterpart, the YaG-10 29K. The YaG has higher mobility due to higher power to weight ratio, top speed and being on a wheeled chassis turning will not diminish the speed. The survivability of the YaG is a side grade to the SU-6 due to the increased size lowering stealth abilities, but larger size also spreads the key modules out. Firepower wise, both vehicles will be nearly identical with the SU-6 edging the YaG out due to 2 degrees more gun depression. Finally and most importantly, the SU-6 does not have any blind spots on the vehicle, with FULL UNIMPEDED traverse of 360 degrees.

Pvkv II

The second comparison of this vehicle is the Pvkv II, both being glass cannons capable of 360 degree traverse turret. The Pvkv defeats in all aspects, faster, more armour and better gun. Pvkv II is the superior vehicle except for the gun elevation, reload and the lack of a range finder. The Pvkv II has a br of 4.0, so we can derive a br of about 3.3 - 3.7 for the SU-6.


Due to the similarities to the YaG 10, this will probably be placed near its br or maybe even folded in together. In terms of implementation, I will have no say but of course I would prefer it being in the techtree so I can play it ;-)

Play style:

This vehicle will have a similar playstyle to the YaG-10 as a sniper TD/ glass cannon, but it will be a bit more versatile due to the lack of blind spot, so self defence and emergency brawling is an option unlike YaG-10. Getting to a desired position will be a slow and steady ride of a top speed of only 28 km/h , taking precious time from the match so smart positioning and map knowledge will be advised. Taking on air targets will be very difficult but not impossible, and the SU-6 will be too slow for a flanking role.

Specifications and technical data


76.2mm 3-K with 56 calibre barrel length

  • 5 … +82 degrees vertical guidance

  • 360 horizontal traverse

  • 20 rpm fire rate

  • 820 m/s muzzle velocity

  • 48 rounds stored

Graph from YaG-10, but the muzzle velocity for the SU-6 is 820 not 813 m/s.

7.62mm DT machine guns X2

  • 1198 rounds


T-26 (early) engine

  • 90 hp @ 2100 rpm

  • 28 km/h top speed

  • 8.2 hp/T


Armour: protected by 6-8mm steel plates


  • length: 5070 mm

  • Width: 2700 mm

  • height: 2746 mm

  • Clearance: 380 mm

Crew count: 6 - 1 driver, 1 commander, 4 gun crew













76-мм СЗУ СУ-6 (1935г.)

Т-26 артиллерийский (2/3) [Форумы Balancer.Ru]

76-мм зенитная пушка образца 1931 года (3-К) — Википедия

Now you have been informed of this vehicle, please make your vote!

Do you want?
  • yes
  • nah
0 voters
What br?
  • 2.7
  • 3.0
  • 3.3
  • 3.7
  • 4.0
  • others
  • I am very sorry , but I said no previously
0 voters
Implemented in what way?
  • Tech tree independent
  • Tech tree in folder with YaG-10
  • Other ways
  • I am very sorry, but I said no at the first poll
0 voters

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked this suggestion and have a good one!

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This seems like a good memeworthy vehicle to get a Godmode in. +1!


Memeworthy, so event or similar, and low, low BR!


One important advantage it has got is the hull MG. It’s very useful for spotting enemies and mowing down light cover.


A super-ZiS-30! I’ve wanted this in the game for a while, and I think it’d be really fun. +1


Ye mate, the additional range finder, explosive filler, reload speed, angle performance and gun traverse are really appealing.


my poll answers: 2.3 and right after the su-76m. This is basically an alternative to the su-76m trading protection and mobility (especially mobility, since the base vehicle already struggles with inclines and this one is heavier and more top heavy) for a better gun and better traverse.

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