SU-27, Cockpit missing panel of datalink

Yet the fact remains that nowhere does the Su-27 show the term, “early” in-game.
Alright, well you admitted error, so the point is mute now.

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I edited the initial post to include the un-modified cockpit for the SU-27 in DCS in order to avoid any additional confusion going forward for new readers.


I hope so too.

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The only F-14 to have IRST is the D, to my knowledge.

it might come with the Fox-3 update, it would be a very nice feature for Sim


yeah you’re right, i mixed it up with the TCS

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The diagram suggests that the early Alpha could at-least do seeking with IR.

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yeah but sadly we have the first one without the IR seeker in game

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Some As had early IRST but they were largely removed from service for TCS due to reliability / not being very good. The B only had TCS. The D had TCS and IRST.

You can see the early IRST on the image.


Yeah, that doesn’t just affect the Su-27. I mean, just compare the left and right consoles of something like the A-4 to how they looked in reality.

I think we should refrain from using the term “data-link” around War Thunder.
NATO capability involving data-link is a bit scary and remember, radar info is shared on said network. Basically, good luck going against a bunch of F15s and F16s that talk to each other doing BVR.

In terms of cockpit modeling - never get your hopes up. I am still waiting for my Apache prem and Rooivalk prem to get a cockpit - not to mention everything else.

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They only “talk” you know?

France had similar system provided before the Mirage 2000-5F Vi standard (which is latest model/standard of French Mirage 2000, and the only one to have Link-16 / outside of Rafale of course).

Such systems weren’t capable of guiding any missile, until later and modern days of 2000’s (oops Mirage 2000-5F Vi is having such capability along MICA’s ^^")

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Ye why I mentioned NATO. I am not too familiar with some of the nation specific and more familiar with US based weaponry, but am aware that NATO basically shares the same thing out and out.

In terms of missile tracking that is later tech, ye - though they share radar info and the one can basically tell the other one where and how to track. Notching the plane itself will be a nightmare.

It’s not though. The Su-33s datalink sticks out kinda like the TSD in thw Su-25T

That DCS server just has “air RB” icons activated, that’s it. DCS isn’t a source.
IFF is in War Thunder. War Thunder’s cockpit is perfectly fine and gives excellent awareness.
Datalink module allegedly not being present doesn’t mean anything as it’s just a visual model.

Nope its the datalink display, and Su-27 has datalink.

apperently never played sim

The cockpit on the Apaches in game is a joke. haha

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The display of the panel in the aircraft is independent of what settings I have labels to in the mission that I was running on my PC when I captured the image.

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