Su-24M Targeting Pod is not Working

the laser guided gun pod on the su24m is not working does anyone know why?


In what way does it not work

i think that was a bug not a feature and they corrected it

it is not locking on to targets

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Yeah same for me, i just got the pods after grinding a bit in sim battles, and im surprised as the gun pods won’t move to track ground targets after seeing so many comments and vids about how they can track targets.

Seems like the snail either removed them last min or its a bug.
Either way no fun allowed.


Assuming that in the dev server the middle pylon was categorized as a turret and in live server it isn’t it must have been removed, although I would be very happy to receive an official answer from a dev since i have yet to see any myself

What distance are you using the pod?

It might be able to lock onto targets IRL, we have few sources but they havent been convincing enough for developers to fix it. So for now you will have to have it only show that there’s a moving enemy out there (useless)