Su-22m3 for Russia/italy why is it at 11.3 with only 12 flairs

the su-22m3 should be move down to 11,0 like the mig-21bis/sau/mig-23mf/f4f/mig-23m there all at 11.0 with the same 6 r-60m /r-60mk it doesn’t make any since for the su-22m3 to be at 11.3 dose any agree or have there opinion on this matter.?


I believe it would be fine at 11.0 in ARB.


I don’t find the Fitter’s large caliber flares shitty. So far single activation (2 flares each time) saved me in all cases where I spotted e.g. a AIM-9L launch on me in time…

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The problem isn’t the caliber, it’s just the lack of flares, like with the J35XS.
From what I can remember, they deploy two (regardless of what countermeasure belt you choose), so you only really get 6 pops.

Meanwhile, the German one gets 128x regular countermeasures at the same BR, for one less gun.
But the fact that it’s pretty much a ground pounder / missile bus, the one less gun doesn’t really matter too much.


There’s a picture of a journal reporting the use of Su-22 by Syria, one of them features a domestic modification of mixed larger-caliber and small-caliber countermeasure, which, could be a good addition to the vehicle:


u don’t shot them one at a time its 2 at a time so there for in stead of having 12 shots with the flairs its now half that amount at 6 shouts with the flair btw and thanks for the feed back

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I mean, the AJS viggen has no flares (if you want full combat load of AIM-9P-3’s (rear aspect only) and only 2 AIM-9L’s if you want flares) at 11.0 air, you can carry 6x all aspects and flares at only 11.3.

I genuinely see no issue with that, I’m about to unlock it anyway; so I’ll tell you how it feels.

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Last time I’ve played Su-22M3 it was atrocious. With 6 uses of flares you really can’t do much in a furball. It’s also pretty slow for a base bomber and it was getting smoked by premium Tornados.


yea it needs something to help it

With the AJS, you’d want to take a gun pod, a flare pod (24 flares + a whole bunch of chaff, which also pops one flare at a time), 2x Aim-9Js and 2x Aim-9Ls.

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Yes, but I was making a point from a comparable loadout perspective.

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Well yes, but nobody would want to do that, just because of the fact that it wouldn’t get flares.
The AJS also has much better flight performance than the SU-22M3, in multiple aspects.

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Yeah, “better in multiple aspects”

Shows you’ve never touched the AJS

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Excuse me, what?

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Wow, was that mostly Pre flight model nerf?

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Mostly. But even after the energy retention / max g overload nerf, there are many aspects in which its superior to the Su-22.
Its top speed on the deck is much better than the Su-22’s.
The Su-22 has much better energy retention, but cannot use it to its best ability due to the fact that it doesn’t turn well in the first place.

The AJ37 and all MiG-21s got a flight performance nerf, and I had 1v1’d my friends after the changes.
The AJ37 (same flight model as the AJS) still claps MiG-21SMT / MF most of the time.

When I 1v1’d my friend with his MiG-21SMT, I couldn’t do anything to get him off of my tail when I was in a Su-22M3. And when I did drain his balls out of energy, I couldn’t take advantage of it because of how bad it turns.

If anything, you must play the Su-22 as a boom and zoomer, similar to F-104s, except it cannot outrun / out-accelerate pretty much anything at its BR, unlike the F-104.

So you must either head-on with the time-fuze 2x S-25Os, or third-party with the 6x R-60Ms you have access to.


I see, I’m not a very “skilled” air player if you would (I’m there for shits and giggles most of the time)
I’m more of a tech spec nerd than anything else


The Viggen and early Swedish jet aircrafts like J35 series are another thing compared to the Su-22 series. Viggen I found very maneuverable, compared to Su-22, a brick at least have top speed, is a good Striker aircraft for base bombing, which I use to for grinding its modules but not for dogfighting.


Yeah it was well before the time or idea of “multirole aircraft”

Not to mention the fact it’s (Viggen JA) got the wrong FM, entirely.

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I just unlocked it, have to say, I love flying it, flares are decent if you turn off A/B, it’s honestly super fun to play after, idk, 10 matches, it’s an actually bearable stock grind, and a plane I actually enjoy.

Almost had an ace in it too; much needed break from the JAS39A stock grind.

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