Stuart VI: Lend lease Success

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Hi everyone, today i would like to suggest another lend lease tank for the british tech tree, The M5A1 or as it was known in British service the Stuart VI. Players of the game should be no stranger to this tank, as it is currently present in several tech trees in game, though not currently in the british tech tree, even though they received over 1000 examples of the tank, which was used as cruiser tanks in the british army and other commonwealth nations such as canada. Because of the wide use of the tank i feel it is fitting to suggest it for the british tech tree :).png “:)”)

British Stuart Mk.VI in the Netherlands, Operation Market Garden, fall 1944.


The tank museum does a comprehensive video on this tank, but it is worth nothing that britian received 1131 British Stuart Mark VI though lend lease. These tanks saw extensive service in the last stages of the desert campaign (fall 1942, 2nd El Alamein battle, Tunisian campaign) where they then went on to join the invasion force during Operation Husky (Sicily) and Italy thereafter. Some M5 Stuart Recce armored transports and command Stuart Kangaroos were also seen in action under the British flag, and were interesting modifications that transformed the tanks into more utility orientated vehicles. The video in the source section gives a more comprehensive overview of the tank as ussual Fletcher does an exceptional job sumerizing a historic vehicle.

Historical photos:

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British Stuart VI Germany April 13, 1945 | World War Photos

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These images show Stuart VI belonging to the Irish Guards Stuart’s just south of Caumont during the Normandy campaign



Vehicle specification:


It is worth noting that some Stuart Mk VI in the normandy campaign where equipt with smoke dischargers/ bomb throwers for clearing hedge rows, which may be a fun way to differentiate them from the stuarts currently in game, by equiping them with a smoke grenade upgrade mod or bomb thrower if they so choose to do so.




Yes but squadron or premium, +1

Imo its important we maintian diversity unless a tech tree hole is unfilliable


As long as its represented i would be happy, seeing as like with a lot of lend-lease stuff we were the biggest operator of or second biggest after the Americans


Crusader II and III are erroneously classed as light tanks in game, where as Cruiser tanks they should be classed as Mediums. Stuart V and VI should be our light tanks at 2.7

+1 for missing UK Stuarts.


This would make for a nice future event with unlocking decals to go with it.

no. normal TT vehicle is better

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Nah you see I think this would be excellent for a stage 3/4 of a vehicles event… I miss getting two vehicles out of events. Having low rank event vehicles is nice to do future challenges with. We don’t really need another stuart, but I do think it would make a nice addition in this method, fully decaled and a premium at 2.7.

it’s not unique enough to warrant an event.

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Neither was the PLZ83-130 or AMD35 (SA35)… they are variants of already existing vehicles. Same would be true of the stuart IV, I wouldn’t want it to be the entire event, just a extra reward for reaching the half way mark or something.

I like this idea, don’t need one but would like the means to obtain one.

don’t use mistakes as examples to follow.

Both of those examples have different guns and different playstyles from their root vehicle. This is literally just an M5A1 Stuart. Nothing about it is special or different from the American one aside from the bomb thrower, which has debatable usefulness. +1 but only as either a tech tree or squadron vehicle.


Britain already has 2 Stuarts and the low Tier II light scout is already filled by the Crusaders and the SARC MkIV.

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Both examples given play identically to their counter part, just do it better.

Dedicating an event to them would be even worse though.

I donno. If it had an interesting historical backstory and unique camo and decoration, it might be worthwhile. The collectors like that kinda stuff.


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I’d like the launcher being it’s directional, and requires the top gun to be manned…