STRV 2000 Should be added

Exactly what Panther 2, KT 105 and german SPAA were in game.

Yeah and they were removed
and even then, I would still not equate ww2 vehicles to top tier

Tbh i would not say swedes have the best tanks even tho the stats says otherwise. Germany has the best TT because they have more pen and for me it simpy goes down to that and speed which germany also excelse in. So my experience a good player always win in a tank with more pen and speed. And tbh i just want to see the russian tech tree suffer in high br and i do not want to balance the game i just want the truth and some lies for example wooden mockup tanks.

However you are right in that “I wish for the Strv2000 to be addded part”. But then agian Sweden is the best tech tree but not the most played one making it even better will not be a issue and one shit tank cant turn it all around. It is easy to take one of these tanks down but i do have a hard time seeing it from all perspectives.

However Thank you for your opinions

Making a new premium for Sweden made Sweden much more played.
As well as the STRV-122 situation. It’s same case with M1 or T-80BVM, whatever community calls OP people will go play that “meta” or “OP” vehicle.

Basing this off of how rich and in some cases unique lineups can get, having very good top tier lineups that have both good fighter and SPAA. Only lacking is kinda helicopters.
I am saying top tier as best basing it on of the opinion of one of players who has all top tiers unlocked and enjoyes STRV-122B + over 2A7V simply for improved armour while staying lighter - being faster in process and allowing armour to cover up your mistakes.
I can agree with such judging as the overpen 2A7V has will really only play into action when facing of T-80U, nothing else really.

Well alright but what do you think of Strv2000 L140 That has zero armour and a 140mm cannon? The Obj292 is better for people like you that enjoys more amour. And for me the Strv 2000 would have pen and speed so it would not be broken in that case.

considering they should have been deleted the moment the FAR MORE REAL German 6.7s were deleted, such as the Panther II/Tiger 2 105/Coelian.

No. While I disagree with the removal of the Tiger II (105) and the coelian, they at least belonged to a well fleshed-out tech tree.

Japan is quite the opposite, having a barren tech-tree even today- which is why they were retained. Gaijn has stated that they plan to replace them… once they can find proper replacements, which I find no issue with.

I do think the Strv 2000 should be added, however. It adds something we really havent seen before into the top tier lineup, and its variants offer possibilities as well.

I mean… we could do the O 140/40…

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That’s the problem - the vehicle never existed. It never even got an actual track and wheels. The mockup doesn’t even have armor. It’s quite literally fake. It’s not a real tank.

It’s not actually comparable to any of the removed German designs - and your comments about Japan are exactly what I said in my own posts, those Japanese vehicles should have been removed long ago.

I also believe this tank never existed, either.

Sweden currently has the strongest ground lineup at top tier that exists. And one of the strongest lineups at 10.3, as well. I don’t understand this. And I’m also not sure if you understand what a can of worms it is to add basically fictional vehicles into the game.

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That’s the problem - the vehicle never existed. It never even got an actual track and wheels. The mockup doesn’t even have armor. It’s quite literally fake. It’s not a real tank.

It had a wooden mockup, and I have no problem with paper tanks (Within reason) being added.

those Japanese vehicles should have been removed long ago.

Again, no. They cannot be removed, simply because japan simply has nothing that can fill the holes it would create in their already sparse tree.

Sweden currently has the strongest ground lineup at top tier that exists. And one of the strongest lineups at 10.3, as well. I don’t understand this.

This is something unique, an MBT design that is wacky and cool. Yes, other nations should also get more top tier tanks, but that doesnt mean that sweden shouldnt also get a couple. Yeah, we would probably have to wait until the other nations get comparable viecles, but that is fine.

Seeing as it was nothing but a full-scale wooden mockup… CEe might be about 2mm

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is that REALLY a good justification though? At that point why not go down the WoT route and add fake designs because they would be unique…

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It would be statted based on design specifications, like any paper tanks they add should.

And pray tell, what part of its design specifications give it a 75% increase in CEe over KEe, while being able to void the 60-85% volume effectiveness of contemporary composite arrays?

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There is a pretty big leap from paper/mockup designs such as the 2000 to completely fake ones.

Paper designs should be allowed within reason, but completely fake tanks are a no-go. (Minus Ho-Ri production, at least for now. That is only retained because japan cannot afford to lose it.)

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The actual hull of the Strv 2000 was to be made out of simple structural steel, but to the front (And part of the sides/rear, but not nearly to the extent of the front), was attached an absolute bonkers amount of ERA and composites.

Also- I got the figure for chemical protection wrong, it is actually ~1200mm, not 1400mm.

The hull was quite literally only designed to absorb the forces of moving and firing, plus the ERA/composites taking hits.

Something that did get built and tested and that could be added is the UDES XX 20:



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I do believe some variants of this vehicle did truly exist, yes.
Those could be added and would make a solid suggestion for event vehicles.


It doesn’t have any ERA to begin with, it was arguably one of the first tanks to use NxRA.
You still have the issue of insufficient amounts of composite to protect such a small vehicle. The frontal hull array is limited by a forward placed engine, while the turret is effectively paper when comparing it to contemporary 1970s-1980s designs.


I could swear it said it had ERA, or at least that was an idea for it.

Turret would most likely be paper, however. (Maybe not on the front, I havent found any details on it tbh)

Would still be an amazing design to have ingame, especially with the 40mm coax.

This is the data I am looking at for it atm.

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Least schizo swedish design