Strv 123A incoming to Swedish military!

Nope. Its lower mv0 from ~ 12°C onwards

huh, i actually didn’t know this, interesting.
so its more temperature stable, meaning generally higher accuracy but not always higher pressure.
would this create situations in peak summer where DM53 would be preferable because of higher muzzle velocity?

Ah Yes good old excuse from Gaijin that prevents Nato vehicles performs accuretaly.

Meanwhile T series ammo carousel casually eats any sort of damage without any problem.

Working as intended comrade :)

Besides jokes do you think suggestion will change this situation?

We will see, made a new one just a few minutes ago - sadly PDF files cannot be uploaded to the forum for some reason.

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Why are you talking out of your ass?

And yes better 2A6(in-game) is coming

they did specify what they are upgading so they could add it before it actually come to the swedish army since they know whats new about it.

thats not how it works lol, you cant add vehicles that dont exist at all just into the game. Their could always be changes to the order or last minute changes, like norwegian canceling 2a7no orders and switching to 2a8

For now Sweden is gotta need to take the L, that is just a fact

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We probably gonna wait a bit for it since they gonna release it at 2026. But hey we still can get 122C and 122D or even 122B int. variant before 123A

The updates to the C, D and int. would be inconsequential in the game, like updated Command & Control systems to the A and B. I suppose barracuda camouflage nets would be cool though, but then again sweden got a boatload of rank 8 Leo’s already.

Bandaggregat is like the entire suspension, drive/road wheels, track. Everything

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Roughly to “Track Unit”

I hope they come with an additional armor package of what the Hungarians want on their 2a7-HU
(Imagine it in Swedish camo and their smoke launchers on the side of the turret)

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U mean the strv122b+ upgrade which they already declined?

Sort of. But with the slat armor and remote weapon station

We don’t know if they declined it for the Strv 123 though.
we barely know anything about the 123 at this point (more than some vague descriptions and the L/55 canon). and since the announcement starts with “upgrade will include among other things:” we don’t know what those “other things” are.

I mean to be fair. How would you know if the 2a8 is vastly superior or not? Since when did the military tell the truth? Like. Obviously, right? A military would not just say straight out everything they do. If there is something the Swedish military has done for ages it is to always say. ‘‘Maybe’’ or the complete opposite. They never give you an straight answer. So we would honestly never know.

829A4 can’t be used in an L/55 to begin with, as deemed in the late '90s with testing of the M256E1.
DM73 would have no substantial improvement over DM53/63, and DM83 is effectively a myth.

Boi what is you saying. It has already received DMXX classification per EDR

Justifying the increase of calibre from 120 to 130 mm, he pointed out the results of a study carried out in the mid 2010s by Rheinmetall, showing that the combination of the L55A1 gun with the DM73 APFSDS round ensured sufficient kill capability against modern enemy targets at 1,000 meters range, the new DM83 adding further 500 meters, this round being expected to become operational in 2024.

Note that the study was done years before KE 2020 Neo project (DM83) even began, and even before T-90M & 80BVM (today’s main targets), as such disregard the ranges.

829A4 can’t be used in an L/55 to begin with, as deemed in the late '90s with testing of the M256E1.

M829A4 wasn’t even on the table back then, the testing was done with M829A3 and it was only relevant to desert (i.e high temperature) environments, under normal conditions even the basic L/44 can use it - L/55 which sported higher pressure tolerance could probably even handle it in extreme conditions.

Heck, ATK themselves confirmed on their old page that M829A3 is compatible with both Rh 120 L/44 and Rh 120 L/55:

If it wasn’t, they’d mention it like Rheinmetall did when saying DM73 can only be fired out of the L/55A1 because older, less resistant cannons cannot support the pressure.

And you have specifications on the round itself? That’s why I refer to it as a myth.

Neither was M829A3, though testing throughout all existing variants through M829, M829A1, and M829A2.
M829A3 isn’t “only relevant to desert environments”, it’s an entirely new penetrator made to combat ERA types harnessing 4S22.
The only connection M829A3 has to desert environments were the ranges presented during the gulf war, hence why its design was centered towards ERA mitigation instead of outright penetration over distance.

Its accuracy and capabilities are significantly diminished when fired through longer barrels, with loss of accuracy due to the improper efficiency of the propellent and the excess speed gained from it.