Strv 123A incoming to Swedish military!

i realy fear rank 8 grounds, knowing gajin it end up with germany getting a non upgraded leo 2a7, while hungary gets leo 2a7hu, sweden gets norwegian leo2a7no. Best case germany gets 2 leopards like usa got 2 f16s since the 2 already named leo version are 2a7+ equivalents and germany should get one together with the others + the 2a7v

yeah but that is what the thick armor on the sites for anti he purposes basicaly gets called as well

i’ve never seen it get called PSO. where have you seen that?

i remember it quite clearly from the italiens crying about the Ariete version which basicaly are the same add ons
Ariete PSO, side kits with extra he protection

Aroete AMV with war kit, icnreased frontal UFP armor


italiens were realy salty that they didnt just get a tank with both kits equipped lol

again, i think you are mixing up the term PSO that stands for “peace support operation” with the modification slat armor.
PSO is a variant of a tank designed for peace keeping missions in other countries. its a modification that can include slat armor but does not have to.
slat armor is the specific piece of armor added externally to a tank to improve protection.

Lobitz in Leopard 2 Gesamtwerk mentioned L55A1 in the case of STRV 123A/B (aka Leopard 2A7S)

the strv123a/b doesnt exist yet, so you cant take anything for full until further offical claims

I know, but I don’t see the point of installing L55 instead of L55A1.

military/goverment being stupid like so often and possible costs

This happens sometimes, but I would expect an L55A1. Anyway, time will tell when more information will come out.

Could you send the source for that? :)

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it’s purposed to be a CV9035 MKiiiC (and very likely will be) but not fully decided yet. What is happening now is an order for a preliminary design proposal with a list of components and their cost, this will be negotiated/changed and then set at the start of 2024 when the actual order (for the then decided design and specifications) will be made.

Thank you! :)

Yes, and it will be better in the game to have such camouflage)

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speaking of which, readinf the cut part of secondary armament, can see the newer leopards /coming 2A8 switching to the MG4 now, they already in the progress of changing the PUMA ones as well.
Would be a small and intresting upgrade as well

The 2a7 also gets d-tech hull armor internal and external. The ammo storage shouldn’t be a problem if the German Leo’s get dm63 due to dm63 beaning very hard to detonate.

The 2A7 had in some way improved protection over the 2A5 but there’s no info on what was improved. It might have been the additional side armour, it might have been improved composites or it might even have been the mine protection.

what we at least can assume so far is that the hull is either the 2A6M CAN that has improved mine protection both outside and inside the hull as well as extra external armour in the same fashion as the Strv 122B, the external armor might be a newer generation compared to the Strv 122B but we don’t know. These were bought for the purpose of conversion to 2A7. so either it has the same protection as 2A6M CAN or they changed out the hull for a newly built one and only kept the turret from the 2A6M CAN which would mean that they are a newer gen base armor compared to the 2A6M CAN. because you would not make that exchange if its the same armor. unless the base hull for the 2A7 is different enough in other areas that conversion of the hull is not possible.

Nice information book/sheet, can i get the name of this document?