That’s referring to the 2A5DK not having the L/55 whilst the German ones do.
if you say so
idk if you’ve noticed, but gaijins been INCREDIBLY lazy lately, opting to add almost completely copy paste subtree’s instead of vehicles designed by the nation that is actually ingame simply to pad out the number of vehicles in an update without doing much/any work.
Case in point, the entire BeNeLux subtree going to france which largely consists of copy paste vehicles, instead of just adding stuff like French designed light vehicles…
Its far more likely they will add a copy paste 2A7 of some kind from another nation than it is for them to add vehicles with any sort of variation at this point…
Gaijin VERY clearly prioritizes adding vehicles they can copy paste into as many nations as possible at this point, to the detriment of any vehicle that is only used by a single nation.
Im quite calm as well, your misinformations caused a mess thats all.
they said that the danish 2a7 got upgraded from their 2a5
since their are in fact 2a7vs with the L/44 it wasnt so far fetched they didnt upgrade them at that time
I dont need to say anything results are pretty clear. Protection arcs are known for those add-on armors and its clear that Danish Leo2A7V will be as strong as German Leo2A7v if its added to Warthunder.
what misinformation?
danish leopards are in fact worse as i stated and in fact there are leopards 2a7s with L/44
u are just getting to emotional for a country that currently definitly doesnt need more mbts
First you stated that Danish Leopards didnt used L/55 then you changed your attitude once people proved you wrong.
At least accept your mistake, this has nothing to do with bein emotional.
that doesn’t make sense.
How i read that text:
The Danish 2A5 doesn’t have the L/55.
Upgrade to 2A7V includes the L/55 gun.
(Also stated on the Danish defence forces website that the main gun is one of the things upgraded)
that wasnt written, and i didnt see the danish website
you know changing my attitude to it is my acceptance that i was wrong, i see that i was wrong and now?
still remembered right its worse
and still you getting to emotional, you arent even seeing that i accepted that i was wrong about the gun but not overall ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I do not understand in what way you think it is worse than the German 2A7V?
Worse armour (it will prob just be the same as the 2A7V ingame) and 2t heavier.
as toxin said
Do we have a source on that?
The only thing i have personally seen (i haven’t looked much) is the Danish defence forces website stating that the upgrade from their old 2A5DK to 2A7V includes better armor.
if one guy has the sources and prove stuff about leos its toxin
he is our leopard wikipedia
The 2A7DNK uses the old add-on armour, which you can see from the mountings.
New add-on:
Old add-on:
I hope with Strv 123A we receive more modern vehicles for other nations too, is about time to Gaijin expand further to the late '10s,
Something like the Centauro II, M10 Booker, Ajax and maybe early Armata vehicles.
most likely its from the tankograd books for one
its more likely for the 2a8 or t-14 armata to get added then its for the strv123a
the strv123a simply doesnt exist yet