STRV 103-C Heat Round Shield

The STRV 103-C Heat round shield is not modeled properly. If you make direct contact with the Heat Round shield the round continues forward through the air, through the tanks armor and disables the engine. This should not be case as any contact with the Shield should trigger the primary stage of the HEAT Round. This should then have to make contact with the armor which would ricochet it. The armor angle is 75 degrees.

Heat rounds should be disabled then ricochet off the front of the STRV103-C after hitting the heat round shield.

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If you look in the Protection Analysis system, you can see that HEAT[-FS] does indeed detonate on the fence.

In War Thunder, the penetrating jet that comes from the HEAT’s shaped charge can still travel a great distance, though the distance travelled will greatly degrade the penetrating power.

They are indeed disabled, though depending on where you hit the fence it is VERY likely to not penetrate. There are very few areas where it is possible to go through, however.

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Which shouldn’t happen, and the jet shouldn’t just cut through the tank and ignore the angle then make it through the entire engine block and kill the crew. Either they didn’t model it properly, or it isn’t treating the actual tanks armor properly.

Which… ALMOST NEVER happens.

3BK18M, a HEATFS shell with 2.79kg of explosive mass.

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Since you want to cherry pick and not show an honest report, try again. This is the russian 3BK17M HEAT Round:





Alright, fine, let’s do it the math way. Since me “cherry picking” my randomly dropping my mouse down isn’t enough, yet your cherry picking for the tiny green spots is, how about this.

Wave your mouse around the S-103 with 3BK17M or 3BK18M. Take a recording of it. Pull frames down to a cinematic 12fps, take note of each 12 positions. Can you tell me how many of those frames determine a penetration, and how many determine a blockage?
I got 24/28 blocked on the left side, and 21/25 on the right.
Bottom was a shit ton of frames, so I only counted up to 50… That gave me 4 blockages.
Gun breach was 8/14.

Just off of me waving my mouse around, the hull face has a 15% chance of penetration, while the breech is a 43%. LFP is a 92% chance of penetration.

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Mic drop. 🥶

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See and that is just half the problem with this game. The other half is that once the round contacts and detonates it has an air gap to pass through, then the tank armor to pen (at angle) then the S Tanks had spall liners (which are not implemented in the game) so it should stop the round.

But it doesn’t. It passes through after detonating and kills crew/destroys the engine. It shouldn’t pass through. It should detonate then deflect off the tank. But here we are. With another either deliberately or not poorly coded vehicle protection.

Spall liners have make no difference against shaped charge post-pen effects.

Even then, it is modeled. For HESH shots the residual armor pen to shatter is set to 0.1 on the Strv-103.

Kills crew? In all of my penetrations the only damage that I saw was to the horizontal aiming drive. Not a single HEAT shot can possible damage crew from the direct front, unless it is a direct shot to the LFP.

DeLiBeRaTe oR pOoRlY cOdEd
Yeah, because I’m sure you checked it yourself, right? I just did it myself and it already showed that you were entirely wrong.

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