TYPE: Medium tank/Tank Destroyer(?)
1x 10.5 cm kan strv 103 akan cannon
-Ammunition capasity: 50 cartridges total
-Reloading: Automatic -
3x 7.62 mm ksp 58 strv ksp
Ammunition: 2750 cartridges total
-Placement: 1x on roof for commander, 2x coaxials on each sides front -
8x smoke launchers for rökhgr m/56
Length: 8.4 Meter
Length W/Barrel: 9.8 Meter
Width: 3.6 Meter
Weight: 39 Metric Tons
Eigne: Rolls-Royce Multifuel. 240 HP/3600 RPM
Speed: 50Km/h
Tension capacity: 2.4 Meter
Vertical obstacle: 0.9 Meter
Shortly before the arms aid ended in early 1968, the Norwegian Armed Forces set up a committee, or so-called Tank Commission, to look at, evaluate and compare which equipment the Norwegian Armed Forces should acquire. These were to be assessed based on their properties in Norwegian terrain and climate, as well as their possible delays and problems with acquisition. As a result of this commission’s work and handover, 2 German Leopard tanks were loaned from the Bunderwehr Panzerlehrbattaillon in the autumn of 1966. These tanks arrived in Trandum, Norway in November, and a 3-man instructor group, led by Lieutenant Colonel Scheb, Ben accompanied them. They also included 2 specialists from the manufacturer Krauss Maffei in Munich.
Technical tests were carried out at Trandum, in addition to sharpshooting at the Hjerkinn shooting range, which also included mobility exercises. This continued until late 1967, when the German Leopard tanks were returned to the Bunderwehr Panzerlehrbattaillon. Normal activity at Trandum ran parallel to these tests, and was to some extent affected by this.
Swedish war material has, as is reasonable, always had supporters and spokespeople in the Norwegian armed forces, and for comparison with the German Leopards, in the same autumn of 1967, 2 Swedish Stridsvogn S or as it is called by the Swedes “Stridsvagn S” (Strv 103) were tested similar to the German Leopards. This vehicle was chosen for the tests as the design was very unconventional on a number of points, and in this design the designers had taken a little here and a little there from a number of different tanks and their solutions. With the lack of a gun turret, the height of the vehicle was very low at only 2.5 meters, the gun has very limited lateral direction and the gun enabled automatic loading of the 105mm gun from a magazine of 50 rounds, after firing the empty shells were ejected to the rear, as inspired by the AMX-13. The watch commander has a 7.62mm machine gun on the turret roof that can be aimed and fired from inside, 2x 7.62mm machine guns are also mounted on each side of the front deck along with 4 smoke grenade launchers. The wagon commander is located on the right side of the wagon and has an extra brake and accelerator pedal. The wagon driver is located on the left side of the wagon, and behind him sits the radio operator and has the ability to take over control when the wagon is moving backwards, a French-inspired solution.
In the same year that the arms aid ended, the authorities decided to acquire Leopard tanks, but due to the situation both at home and abroad, delivering the tanks on time became difficult, and then the Bundeswehr made the unprecedented choice to take 34 tanks from its own stock to comply with the Norwegian request. This was a loan, and was to be returned when the tanks were delivered. I haven’t been able to find any images of these trials yet, as the information about these trials, for that matter everything that was done around this time.
I can only see this being implemented under Norway would be if we got a standalone techtree with Norway and Denmark combined, something that is hard to do, but definitely not impossible.
Kavaleriet i Norge 1200-1994 : utvikling og innsats gjennom 800 år
Norsk militært tidsskrift (trykt utg.). 1973 Vol. 143 Nr. 12
Telen, onsdag 18. oktober 1967 Newspaper
Glåmdalen, mandag 24. juli 1967 Newspaper
Troms Folkeblad, torsdag 19. oktober 1967 Newspaper
Innherreds Folkeblad Verdalingen, fredag 20. oktober 1967 Newspaper
Leads and traces from ex military personnel wich of some participated in these trials
Vehicle specs and information
Stridsvagn 103 – Wikipedia
Stridsvagn 103 - Wikipedia
Stridsvagn 103 – Wikipedia
- Yes
- No