Stretched image on the monitor

I have two monitors, one 2k resolution, the other Full HD, when running a game on the monitor with 2k resolution, all the image is some kind of stretched, how to fix?

Did you put the game to the right resolution on the game launcher? I got a new monitor and had at the start a 1920x1080 monitor but after that I got a new monitor, so I had to mannually change it to 2560x1440 so that could be a reason. If not then I have no idea.

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I play through steem, in the settings of the game set the necessary resolution. changes no. I tried to disable the second monitor, no change as well

Then saddly I have no clue.

Here, I turned off the monitor and it’s still the same.

SOLUTION: restarting the game on a new monitor helped.

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