Strela-10m2 forgotten vehicle

Almost 2 years and still strela-10m2 has no passive detection. In 2 years they have added so many things that strela is becoming forgotten. In this patch they added GPS bombs and they can’t add passive detection?


Tell the devs to make the photocontrast lock less strong and then we’ll talk. Unless you want it to go up to 11.0…
(Clouds, countermeasures, aspect appearance, and the ground/trees do nothing to photocontrast atm lmfao)


hello there is ozelot with IRST and thermal sight

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Kinda crazy that Ocelot has a good thermal imager and the Wiesel 1A2 has a bad, same with the 1A4 with good thermal imager.

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Its missiles can be dodged or flared. The Strelas can’t. Its at a lower BR for a reason.


photocontrast works as intended, it work better on strela since it got smaller seeker. meaning it got less things that disturb the locking.

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That seeker FOV is criminally small man lmao

At least is possible to quickly aim the launcher up and launch the missile.

If you pre-Flare, the missile go 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 and destroys itself. Sometimes also, in less than 5,0km the missile simply doesn’t launch.

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Pre flaring has zero effect on a photocontrast lock. It may have some effect on someone using auto lock or IR lock tho.

Not quite true. CM don’t do anything which is true as far as I’ve seen. However clouds are killers for its missiles.

I tested it with a friend, and while literally being inside of a cloud, (so much so that he couldn’t see me and I couldn’t see anything but clouds). He knew where I was because he swung his cursor around a bit and knew my trajectory into the clouds. He immediately gained a lock once his crosshair went over me and shot at me. He want using auto so it wasn’t an IR lock, and I was even flaring after he said he launched.

Because the thermal unit on the 1a2 (TOW) is the TOW thermal unit, not a separate thermal imager.

Thermal Imager is on top of the standard designator.

I feel like they mess with the optical tracking every now and then. I tested it with another play a few months ago and it would fail to lock or lose lock the second that they went low. It also struggled a bit with clouds.

Feels like some days, the optical over performs and other days, clouds 4km behind the plane prevent locks past. Very inconsistant.


And the Strela has the significantly superiour missiles

manpad vs sam? dude…

@Smin1080p_WT any updates?

all of them are playing against a player on the plane)