Strela-10M isnt locking onto planes

for me, the Strela-10M in the German tech tree isnt locking onto planes.
The guidance mode is set to “Auto”. ive tried the other 2 individually, and they still both dont lock onto enemy planes (within the max range of launches etc). I tried IRST and then lock, but still didnt work.

I dont know if its just me or a bug in the game.

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the lock range in all aspect is 1.99 miles, so if your trying to shot at something head on they have to be really close.

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i swear it used to be further away. did they change it ? or am i just mentally slow ?

statcard info regarding lock range on these missiles doesn’t mean anything unfortunately

it can vary from 1 to 10 depedning on what you are targetting and weather conditions

besides, infrared surface to air missiles are quite bugged in this game. Sometimes the red circle appears but you still can’t shoot

Regarding IRST, since there is not datalink between it and the missile, it won’t help you in the locking process in any way unfortunately

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Nothings changed, its always been a short range lock.

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i just like to use the IRST, i dont know why.
depends where in the sky or the weather

oh lmao, i only used it a handful of times. and it used to let me launch the missiles from 4km.
maybe im just slow and am thinking of another tank, im not sure. but thanks

IRST will be useful to detect, but won’t help you get a missile lock

for reference, i mainly use the mistral, which is a missile in a similar category

The lock range in the stat card is 6km, however :

  • i could lock a tornado front aspect at 11km
  • the usual Mig 15 / Sabre will only be locked at 4km in front aspect
  • the same goes for the hottest helicopter (Mi 24)
  • a cold helicopter like Lynx will only get locked at 1.6 km

if the map is cold, those ranges are all reduced (should be the other way around, but oh well)

So for a missile that says “lock at 6km”, the real lock range is in between 1.6 and 11km X)

The same goes for every infrared surface to air missiles, it’s not just Mistral. Stinger, Igla, Strela, all are impacted by this behavior, which is why the lock range may seem inconsistant to you

The target heat source affects it, ie, front/rear aspect, are they afterburning or not, engine heat, etc.

Turn off auto and set it to photo-contrast lock only. You’ll find lots of success there.