TYPE: Tank Destroyer
1x 75mm Pak L/48
-Ammunition capasity: 54 rounds
-Mass: 1,235 kg
-Barrel length: 360 cm (48 calibres)
-Shell: Fixed QF 75 × 495mm
-Caliber: 75 mm
-Elevation: -8° to +15°
-Traverse: 24°
-Rate of fire: 10–15 round per minute
-Muzzle velocity: 930 m/s
-Maximum firing range: 6,600 m -
1x 7.92x57mm Mg34
-Cartridge: 7.92x57mm Mauser
-Ammunition capacity: 600 rounds
-Armored shield: Unknown thickness, mounted on a hinge
-Mass: 12.1 kg
-Length: 1,219 mm
-Barrel length: 627 mm
-Action: Recoil-operated, opened rotating bolt
-Rate of fire: 800–900 rounds/min
-Muzzle velocity: 765 m/s
-Effective firing range: 3,500 m with tripod and telescopic sight
-Maximum firing range: 4,700 m
Eigne: Maybach HL 120 TRM V12 300 Hp
Top-speed: 40 Km/h
Length: 5.5m
Height: 2.16m
Width: 2.9m
Weight: 22 ton
Crew: 4 consisting of Gunner, Driver, Commander, Loader
Operational range: 155 km
Cross-country range: 75 km
Suspension: Torsion bar
KEY DIFFERENCES (From the other Norwegian KW-III)
-Additional track armor lower frontal plate
-Armored MG shield on loader/gunner hatch
-A MG34 Machinegun in 7.92x57mm on hatch
-Additional crewmember for handling of the MG34(?)
The Pz.III & Stug.III came to Norway a little after the German invasion of Norway in April 1940, the Germans did not expect there to bee a need for heavier tanks, as Norway did not have any other than a couple armored trucks. Because of this the smaller and less powerful Pz.III and Stug.III were brought to Norway. During the occupation, the tanks Germany used here were sent to Germany and upgraded a number of times, and in a wide variety of variants and mixes, and when the war came to an end, the Germans surrendered all their vehicles to Norwegian and British/American forces that had fought in Norway. The British wanted to sabotage most of these vehicles, and among trying to blow up the barrels of the various tanks, they had driven over and destroyed a whole bunch of surrendered motorcycles. Most of these tanks were later on put in service in the Norwegian Army, and because of the British sabotage, the Norwegians worked on restoring these vehicles until 1948, before they were ready to be used. And because of the vehicles being damaged and parts having to be taken from here and there, those vehicles that already had been upgraded/mixed by the German army during the occupation, were even further mixed by the Norwegians during the restoration, with this vehicle potentially being one example.
The majority of these tanks were put in service in so called “Airport Troops” to guard the various airports in the area, this specific tank were used at Fornebu Airport by Oslo city and served under the group Stridsvogntropp, 1 Dragonregiment (Hærens Lette Tropper, Fornebu, Fornebutroppen). This platoon was created in 1949 and were equipped this STUG III along with other PANZER III wagons until mid - late 1950’s, where they were replaced by the new M24 Chaffe. The platoon was dissolved in 1958. The picture above where we see this vehicle, is taken at Youngstorget in Oslo city sometime in the 1950’s during an exercise held in town.
I don’t think his vehicle has any other classification than Ausf.G, the difference between this wagon and the other that i know about used by Norway, it that it has an MG34 mounted on its roof at the right side, with its own armored shield. In addition it has additional armor, track armor on its lower frontal plate.
This could be an interesting vehicle for Norway, either in a new Norwegian and Danish tech tree or as an potential subtree under Sweden. This should be an researchable vehicle.

Image of this specific variant and other information about the platoons
Information and specs about various Pz.III variants
henkofholland mastermodelling military vehicles scale 1/72-1/76
Images and some information
Images and some information
Background and service history
Book: Motoriserte Militærkjøretøy i Norge
Copyright 2005 by Forsvarsmuseet/HMK All rights reserved
Billedbehandling/Grafisk produksjon: Mikro Marketing, Asker
Press: Gan Grafisk, Oslo
Motoriserte Militærkjøretøy i Norge Bind 1
ISBN 82-91218-43-9
The book is printed in 3,000 copies, 100 of which are leatherbound
front cover/back cover: The wheel rider squadron at Trandum 1953
Defense publications No. 3 Oslo 2005
Stridsvogn & Stormkanon KW-III (Panzer III & StuG III in Norwegian Service) - Tank Encyclopedia
- Yes
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