Stormer Air Defence: Aircraft Ablaze!

at 10.0-10.3 planned br (and likely won’t change because the devs are unfortunately incompetent when it touches br and balance for unsusual vehicles).

@Smin1080p_WT Can you clarify, if this Stormer will come out with the scout mechanics that it had on the DEV server? Being with LAV-AD on the same BR, this moment gave the Stormer a couple of points

I hope the A10C become at 11.3

Wheres the CVRT tanks like sabre, scimitar and Scorpion?

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Sadly there was no 30mm variant. Stormer AD was only built with a 25mm cannon. A 30mm was proposed with the Blazer turret, but never built.

Currently the vehicle does not have scouting.

what br is it? 10.3 would be far from it’s aa capabilities, and uk really needs a potent 9.3 spaa (conveniantly the BR the stormer AD should sits at according to what it offers, aka stingers, and poor aa/ground firepower with its gun, just like the pgz04). Tell me the dev didn’t make the mistake of keeping it around the lav-ad br just because if its armament (that lacks hydras and the gau got nerfed)…

Very sad news. With Scouting Stormer played quite balanced considering the gun ammunition was half as much as the LAV-AD and considering the absence of Hydras



This gunna come with the long overdue fixes for Stingers? Like perhaps giving them their missing 20g pull?

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Very nice, hopefully this is 9.3 alongside the updated ZSU-23, its capabilities are almost perfectly matched

Developed for the turret fitted to Stormer but perhaps never was actually fitted.

See the original proposal thread -

You are forgetting Britian tax. No chance its lower than 10.0 or 10.3


it was 10.0 in the dev server

This needs to be at 9.3.

I love their soundtrax!

Maybe 7.7?



without the missiles, probably 7.7 ye

Well i certainly feel dumb now that it has been announced. Thanks for proving me wrong gaijin :/

30mm was built. Count the barrels, this one has 4.

25mm that’s being added has 5.

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It was not built with a Stormer unfortunately. This is not on a Stormer chassis but a different vehicle.

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So, in the release iteration, stormer retained the scouting. And that’s great.

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