"Storm Warning" Update Trailer!

You can’t add aircraft if they’re not finished.
Development takes months to years per vehicle [looks at T-90A and Type 10], patience is key.

The teaser doesnt show everything, they wouldnt be the star of the update anyways since they are just upgrades of vehicles already in game, id say wait and see in the dev stream/dev server that most likely will be tomorrow

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More people need to realize this and also understand gaijin is a business and they have to do stuff to make money, aka selling premiums

Hehe, they should just add the F-18A as a premium this update. They’d make millions :D

That’s not their primary model outside augmenting vehicle development and some mechanics development.
The primary model is premium account, which grants far more features today than just extra rewards.

I’ll likely have a premium account for the rest of this game just cause of the repair cost insurance alone.

Bit late here, I already said it on another thread, but I wanted to leave it here as well;

I actually kinda teared up a bit xD.

It may sound stupid, but… since being a fighter pilot is my lifelong, failed dream… I’ve always been interested in “flying” in videogames the plane which I would’ve flown in real life if I had actually achieved my goal…

And that plane is the Eurofighter Typhoon.

So yeah. I will die without setting foot on an Eurofighter in real life, but at least I’ll be able to be with it digitally.

That + the outstanding trailer with the pilot + seeing how far my beloved War Thunder has come in these 10 years… yeah, kinda got me hard in the feels, hahah.

Also, I am still in shock that:

1- The fact that this is shot ingame.
2- How has it come to this already? I vividly still remember discussions about whether supersonic jets would even come to the game like it was yesterday… and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, here we are…


Yeah sure, but why do all the other nations get the option to be on both sides, while GER only gets the red side.
All I am saying is we need more options.

Just give the Su-33 the R-27EA and pastel rwr… or add the Su-27KUB bc the base su-33 gonna be DOA. Also RDF/LT whenn? (Hopefully not a premium please prove the leak list wrong)

if its the variant with the bulldog gun I can see it being a premium, the one with the HSTV-L gun shouldn’t be a premium, being a slower but higher ammo capacity HSTV-L and possibly stingers depending on variant

posting blatantly false and misleading information actually does this, and also wastes peoples time to investigate its legitimacies. Its on the poster to make sure they arent spreading false narratives, have accountability for something.

It more than likely will be the one with the M41 and manned turret

Imho your statement is not wrong - the question is always why WW 2 enthusiasts feel like being neglected - as the issue is not about the number of vehicles, its about immersion and closing actual gaps of production models.

Seeing that gaijin earns a hell of money with top tier jets this is actually comprehensible, but WW 2 fans will still be there when all jets are implemented. So investing some money here and there for WW 2 stuff is not really a bad idea.

I mean the UK has not the pure bomber Mosquito, the Germans don’t have the Fw 190 A-9 (production started 09.44) with the 2.000 hp BMW 801 TS engine or the US TT lacks the P-47 Cs - just to name a few.

Instead of such “real” WW 2 aircraft the game is full with US/USSR prototypes which never flew a sortie or late/post war props which never saw combat…


I was just giving an example but yeah

Honestly, might not even need new vehicles to feel some care.

Simply updating older models to modern standards, adding missing functionalities and equipment (tail warning radars for instance). Even amongst premium fighter planes, there’s some… high variance in model and cockpit quality.

Like sometimes the same aircraft, just different model can have jarringly different model/cockpit qualities.


actually the mig-25 shot down an f/a-18 so its better

And if I’m not mistaken got a hit on a f15 and almost ended its no shot down record but the f-15 was able to fly back to base and ended up getting repaired so it wasn’t classified as a shoot down

yup, lucky f-15

Hear me out:

We make a forum where all the copers can go and cope and the rest of us can just be normal and happy we are getting an awesome update.

Also the HQ-17 SPAA is Chinese, think before you type.

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Look if gaijin adds SPAA at 6.x for the nations lacking proper SPAA and i dont mean TD’s but like actual SPAA then this update will be great. For now it goes in the meh pile with the last 2 years worth of updates.

Gaps need to be filled but I’m content with this update as is