Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

And the missing ones for the Leopard 2 PL, Leopard 2A4M, Leopard C2A1, Boxer MGS, Vilkas, Puma, an others I’m probably forgetting

Well, those arent as bad with there reload

Heck yeah. There’s my changed stock Loadout

Can’t wait for new map too
Wonder what br limits will be

None of the EFs get any extra skins unlike what was promised

Turns out America isn’t getting that Colorado GHAHAHAGAHAJAHAAHAH

So it will be getting it when it’s, again, too little and too late.

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Most of the new skins are not available on launch. This is not uncommon or new.

Sad that the USS Colorado didnt make it to this Update. I really hope she isnt for the next Naval Event, since it would be the fourth time for a Class to be introduced via an Event for the US alone


The Typhoon flies like a dream in the test flight, or at least would if its insane manoeuvrability didn’t cause me to blackout every 2 seconds.


Is there any plan to fix the flares and chaffs on SU-22M3?

How does balancing explain it when the Type 99 SPH is at a lower BR with a 7.5 second autoloaded reload?

I hope it’s the next Naval event- because at this point I expect something better for the main tree.

Otherwise, it will be too little and too late.

The Rafale has an “airbrake”, that being the flaps extending to the point that they create a lot of drag.

The Rafale feels like a suped up Mirage 2000. Good, but no Typhoon.

There should be an option to use trained crews for test drives/flights hahah.

Otherwise it’s just impossible to test highly maneuverable aircraft, with the snowflake pilots passing out every time you press any key.


See u all in next RRD


U mean cope thread lol?

Or a mains who suffers the most thread lol

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Who will win the next Agony Olympics!?

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