Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

That was quick.

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derby should stay since derby was tested on the F16Ds

yeah i think derbys should stay absolutely

I really hate the derby config though, I thought it was a stupid IR first time I was killed and then saw its size.

its small asf for a fox 3 lol

Also looks like a massive AIM9, I thought at first it was just an Israeli name for sidewinder.

Massively so. The Python 3s manoeuvrability is only slightly better than the AIM-9M, whereas the Python 4, a missile without TVC, has comparable pull to the R-73, which has TVC.

The F-16C has them, also, and in my opinion it would be better to remove the Derby to better differentiate them.

Lol. It was very much intentional for it to be usable on pylons which otherwise could only accommodate an IR. Hence the size similarity.

It’s an elongated Python 4 with an ARH seeker and a stronger engine, basically.

Except for every pylon is also able to carry AMRAAM so…

So what? What does that have to do with what I said?

Man, I’m so excited for Pzh2000HU, can’t get over how good it looks.

What’s everyone else hyped for ?

For me, it’s PzH, La Galissonniere, and the Eurofighter. And I’m probably going to start working on Su-33 too!

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Top tier decompression and the eurofighter so I can finally get a true top tier fighter for once.

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CL-13 has left the Chat

Jokes aside, while looking into it, turns out China could hypothetically get the CL-13, due to both Bangladesh and Pakistan having used it. (Yes I know Bangladesh and Pakistan aren’t Chinese subtrees, but we do have tech from both nations in the Chinese tree)

China already has the Mosquito FB.Mk.26, which is a Canadian modified Variant, so how different could it be?

Also where’s my CL-13 for Britain Gaijin? /j



This is just my monthly cope of Gaijin adding Korean war jets, don’t mind me lmao

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Don’t worry we are all waiting on that too.

Licensed built. A bit more fancy then just modified.

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Replied to the wrong person lol. Sorry.

Has 14.0 been officially confirmed ?