Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

We don’t talk about that )))


Reminds me of that one Mig-29 “that was given to israel to test” : P


I don’t think it should get Python 5 or I-Derby ER (100km range), but it can get Python 4 or maybe I-Derby, because iirc I-Derby is just a Derby but with a way better seeker.


That’s it.

Python 4s at the very least, with one of the F-16s and the Baz Meshupar getting them also.


Its not the tracking ability that holds the derby back, its the fact that they are just a sidegrade to R-77. Their sidegrade is having a better launch platform. Low range, silly lofting, intensive energy bleed.
The kfir C.10 is like putting a S&B 5-25x on an ak74, good avionics but mid missiles.

I don’t think it is of much difference RN with thrust, cause it is just the style of play, no one else except for AMRAAMs can actually spam (except FK90s of course) so all other missiles have to sort of play flank or dog fight, which in that case Derby do quite well. Unless we get the missiles that can actually counter AMRAAM before AMRAAM-Cs come out, all for nought with thrust.

obviously it should not get Python-5 or I-Derby ER but man like you said in the event topic at bare minimum Python-4s we are not asking to much it just 4 missiles in total and like i said if this thing sits in 13.0-13.3 for some reason, it would be demolished in terms of performance (much likely in uptiers which happens %60-70 of the time), armament and CMs, not even the AESA radar is going to save it thats why i said to smin that they need to think it well because they are going to ruin a jet just for a whim of no introducing a missile a missile that it should directly have from the get go.


If it can carry 4 arhs its likely goin to 13.0

there is not difference in an uptier is going to get demolished.

13.0 will experience a fairly high number of downtiers after the update, since 14.0 will then be the max BR.

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13.3 seems fair

With Python 4s, yes. Without, 13.0.

yea,python 4s should be added but gimped a bit so they dont cause havoc

Gimped Python 4s were datamined earlier this year, with them combining the range and acceleration of the Python 3, both IRCCM types already in game, and with 50g’s of pull.

would make sence that they add the python 4 with an irccm of that of the aim9m (surpassing it abit )with g pull of 50-60gs even tho irl it can pull 70gs

And the gatewidth narrowing IRCCM of the R-73, Magic II, and PL-5EII.

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maybe stinger irccm since its very resilient and it more close to the python 4s irccm irl

Yeah, but that’s not what it had in the datamine. It may just have been an early substitute, however if nothing changes, it’ll have the two I mentioned.

how long ago was this datamine