Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Yes I was thinking the same thing. Maybe this is a pre production model?

this is surely early version, so it should have no thermal, so it is a mixed one

The problem is that the rear end of the chassis model look like a T-84 / MBT-2000 with the improved engine


Since Kfir being added with AESA is confirmed, one last time asking

@Smin1080p_WT Is there going to be any word from Gaijin/devs that can be provided regarding the F-2 at some point soon?

As we all know it’s one of the most requested aircraft that has so far been held back due to its radar system. However now that multiple aircraft this update have AESA and that F-2 wasn’t among them, some of us would like to know how much more longer will we have to wait to see said aircraft in the game and/or a peek into the devs thoughts about this aircraft.

We know it’s not coming in this update but now that the door is open we’d like to know how soon tm to expect so we fan set our expectations accordingly for future updates



thats my gf

Well seems like the event is on the 20th which means the update is before then.
I’m not happy about the 40K especially when their only one reward if your doing the ship or tank.
As for air it would be easy since using the FCU grind the Thai sub tree I can get that 20K per day quiet well.


Gaijin is probably going to give this tank better transmission since changing the model takes more time than changing some lines of code.

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look ain’t gonna blame you but you asking to faster the research buying that 2 vehicles for GER/UK. Italy what it gets as Rank VII like GER/UK?. and no squadron vehicles for italy.

So maybe you can add Kfir 2000 or Kfir C.10 basic to the tech tree?

Why the eff they didn’t model the Object 478BE-1 variant as the Pak T-80UD?
The one with the unique welded turret, that actually is the more numerous variants (285 no.) within Pakistan’s inventory and not this one (only initial 35 no.)?
They just copy pasted the already existing T-80UD with just a thermal mod?

These two images have the proper angle and the rubber flaps removed to illustrate properly:



Suffer with us, bad reverse gears.

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The good news is that the oplot turret version might come to the TT. But only time will tell.


Interesting that we don’t really have the T-80UM in the game yet.

Kfir COA (Kfir C.10 with EL/M-2032 radar) for researchable tree ? maybe

Maybe. But they are spamming F-XX so much that there is not much room left for original vehicles.

And I think barely anyone plays Israel, let alone the air tree

The fact that they specifically chosen blk60 instead of just C.10 indicates gaijin did plan the vehicle. But I am rather sure that it would be a premium fitting both a legacy airframe and fox3 abilities.

Yea, have the same theory.
But where will it go in the TT?
They mentioned the Obj id in the name i.e 478BE … which they don’t have to coz it’s just a T-80UD within the Chinese tree area. Like any other tree an extra symbol would have sufficed.
As well as ‘slow reverse speed’ in the feature list.
I think they’re planning two variants. Hope-wishing here.
For events it’d be this standard T-80UD but with thermal.
But later they’ll introduce the “later” Object 478BE-1 variant, with better welded turret and 6DT-2E engine, as a premium (drawing from their usual practice).

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So…2 AESA aircraft being added to the game before the 1st ever AESA aircraft. Does Gaijin just hate the F-2? They know they can just easily add in the early version that doesnt have Fox 3 compatibility. Hell the radar seemingly isnt an issue preventing its addition because we are getting the Rafale and a AESA carrying Kfir and they can easily add in the late version of the F-2 without AAM-5 and AAM-4B till a later date


Actually no. A lot of people I knew brought the kfir canard and grinded Israel just for the air tree, it may lack flavor and is bad in terms of CAS, but it has the counterparts to US aircraft in terms of A2A capabilites at only a fraction of the amount of grind needed and a premium with much more flexibility. It may not be the best way to develop the tree, but if you want to try out F-15C/E then yeah I cant see why not.